Young Men Being Raised to Be Sociopaths?

. 11/14/2011 . 0 Comments


Sociopaths don’t wear a sign or a tag that identifies them as dangerous men, and most sociopaths look completely normal – even friendly and trustworthy.

A woman normally finds out her man is a sociopath only after she’s become involved. When a man pretends to love and knowingly plays manipulative games to control a woman’s reality, his behavior makes him a sociopath.

What are the traits of a sociopath, and how can a woman identify them in advance and protect herself? Are most young men being socialized to be sociopaths when it comes to women? Our guests will have the answers to your questions in what is sure to be a shockingly eye opening and controversial conversation.

Dr. Fran Walfish, is a celebrity doctor and leading child, teen, parent, and family psychotherapist and author practicing in Beverly Hills, CA. She was on clinical staff in the Department of Psychiatry at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for 15 years. Was also a school psychologist and recently completed a 4 year-term as Chair of the Board of The Early Childhood Parenting Center founded at Cedars-Sinai, Los Angeles. She was trained by world renowned psychoanalyst, Saul L. Brown, M.D., Director of the Department of Psychiatry, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Dr. Fran believes “there are a number of contributing factors that go into the development of a Sociopath Personality. The first is that, as a newborn and infant, the Sociopath had a mother who did not consistently respond to his cries and needs. She may have been strung out on drugs/alcohol, self-involved, or other reason for allowing her infant to cry unattended to. Babies need a consistently warm empathic response in order to develop trust in the world. If this has been done well the child internalizes a belief that the world is a safe place in which someone will be there for me. Another contributing factor is when the child has not been given appropriate consequences for wrong actions. For instance, stealing is quite common in young children. If parents do not teach the child stealing is not okay with a short stinging consequence kids can learn to enjoy getting away with it.”

She is a regular contributor to Parents magazine,, NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, The Doctors (CBS TV), NPN national syndicated network, CBS 2 News, ABC 7 News, Ladies Home Journal, World Entertainment News Network (WENN), Parenting magazine,, American Baby magazine, Family Circle magazine, Woman’s Day magazine,, Parenting Teens Resource Network,, and Please view her website at for more info.



Donna Andersen is the creator of, a website and blog that teaches people how to recognize and recover from sociopaths. She is also the author of a book, Love Fraud–How Marriage to a Sociopath Fulfilled my Spiritual Plan.d

Donna learned about sociopaths the hard way–by marrying one. James Alwyn Montgomery, originally of Sydney, Australia, met her and quickly proposed in 1996. In two-and-a-half years, Montgomery defrauded her of $227,000, cheated on her with at least six different women, fathered a child with one of them, and then, 10 days after Andersen left him, married the mother of the child. It was the second time he committed bigamy.

This man had no conscience, no empathy and lied prolifically–which Donna learned, far too late, were the cardinal signs of a sociopath. Suspecting that other people were as unfamiliar with sociopaths as she once was, in 2005, Donna launched to educate the public about this destructive personality disorder. now receives more than 3,500 visits every day, and readers often say the website is the best source on the Internet about sociopaths. Donna has collected 2,000 cases of people targeted by sociopaths.

Her latest book – 10 Signs You Are Dating a Sociopath will be released in the Spring of 2012.

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