Your Selfishness is Not Making the Coochie Wet

. 02/14/2012 . 8 Comments

I’ve spent time talking to several Black women (both married and single) over the past few weeks about their men and relationships. As the most romantic holiday of the year approached, I wanted to get an idea of what women thought about Valentine’s Day, as well as what they expected their men to do or say to honor it. I also spoke to quite a few men.

Females love romance. From the time women are little girls, their hearts and imaginations are stirred by the strong young warrior Prince that rescues the woman of his dreams from a dragon/evil king/evil stepmother/ogre/tower so that they can live happily ever after.

When a girl is older, she reads love stories and romantic novels where there is always a build up of romantic tension between the heroine and hero of the story. Though there may be initial conflict and quite a few ups and downs, eventually he does and says the right thing because he realizes that he loves her and wants to keep her around in his life.

With that in mind, it is amazing to me how many single Black men are all bent out of shape about Valentine’s Day. These guys don’t want to do anything nice for the woman they are dating on V-Day at all. The resentful commentary about a “made up holiday,” the condemning judgments that “women don’t deserve it,” and the general mean nasty snarlyness that “women have no right to demand we do it” is just appalling. Most angrily declare “I shouldn’t have to give to her just to get some sex” as if her sole role in your life is to sex you down while you sit on your ass and give her nothing in return.

To witness the selfishness of dozens of single Black men was sad and disgusting. No wonder Black relationships are in a shambles. Women give to men all day every day in both large and small ways (cooking, cleaning for you so you don’t have to do it, caring for your dog, yo momma, your health, making sure you are happy and satisfied); but you all seem hell bent on getting as much as possible while giving as little as you can in return. Why do you guys think a woman should be so giving and loving to you, while you are under no obligation to show romantic attentiveness to her even one day of the year?

While these knuckleheads were growing up, their Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunties and older sisters were always giving to and doing for them. Rarely if ever were these young Black males required to give back or go out of their way to please a female they allegedly loved in return for the kindnesses she showed him. Pondering that question, I began to question where Black men could have gotten the idea that they deserve the best without giving the best in return. Then I realized they got it from their mothers.

Black Mothers are always giving to their sons and few ever demand that their precious boys be considerate, thoughtful or giving to their moms or the women in their families. Many of these boys never had chores inside or outside the house, or even any responsibilities other than school! They were never required to think about anyone or anything but themselves – no community involvement, no volunteer projects, never directed to work at odd jobs so they could make and save money to buy presents for their siblings or Mom.

So these young boys grew up being spoiled believing that their girlfriends and wives are obligated to cater to and give to them without demanding anything in return, “just like my Momma did.”

To hell with that noise Son! You need to get off your ass and give to women if you want sex. Yeah I said it. There is nothing free in this world brotha. You either pay now, or you pay later, but you always ALWAYS pay in some way for everything you get.

You want some booty? Then you need to spend time, energy and yes some money too, and present your woman with a romantic something before the sun sets today. Why? Because you taking the time to get your woman something for Valentine’s Day makes her hot. When a woman is hot, her coochie is wet and you get hot juicy sex.

A nice card and a pair of earrings is a great gift, as is a romantic card and a dozen roses in her favorite color. Both make the coochie nice and juicy!

A bouquet of whatever type of flowers she loves, and a book of poetry by an author you know she enjoys shows you were thinking about pleasing her. Though you may hate poetry and think flowers are a waste of money because they die, you gotta remember one thing: it’s not about you, it’s about what you do and say that makes her hot.

Jewelry is always a great gift, and it doesn’t have to be diamonds, rubies or emeralds unless you got it like that. Young men on a budget can get their girls a silver keepsake necklace, bracelet or ring engraved with something romantic. She will cherish your special and romantic gift forever.

If your lady is frequently stressed because of school, work or family obligations, a heart-felt card that contains a gift certificate for a relaxing spa day would be much appreciated. She will be so surprised and grateful, it will make her coochie wet.

If you write songs, are great with words, or write poetry, you can sing to her or write her a love letter that expresses how you feel and what she means to you on this Valentine’s Day. Her heart will fill with joy, her eyes with ears, and she’ll take you into her arms because she’s hot for you.

Or how about a little baby tree that she can plant in her yard. Your card can say “this tree represents our love. It will mature and grow and bear fruit just as my love for you grows and matures.” Guaranteed to make her feel hot and jump your bones.

The goal is to get off your ever widening ass and do things that inspire warm fuzzy feelings in your woman’s heart. Warm fuzzy feelings in her heart travel down through her stomach and guess where they land!? Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that paying attention to your woman, being romantic, and being thoughtful and considerate to your woman makes her coochie wet.

On the flip side, ignoring her, being grudgeful and selfish makes the coochie dry up. Do that often enough and your woman will get tired of feeling unappreciated, and she will leave your ass.

All of that drama could have been easily avoided Mr. Selfish Man. What you put into your relationship is what you will get out of it. All you have to do was stop being a Momma’s boy spoiled brat and take care of your woman like a grown man should.

On a daily basis your every action and word should be carefully considered: “Is what I am about to do or say going to make my woman hot and the coochie juicy, or is it going to make things dry up?” More men could have successful relationships with adoring women very easily if they followed this one guideline.

You can thank me later.


Click to order your copy in paperbackFor more detailed information on how you can learn to recognize problem people in the dating pool before you get hurt, read my newest guide to better dating: “The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid!

Find it in paperback or “The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid!” on Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, and a wide variety of other electronic formats.


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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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