Deborrah “Aesop” Cooper Tells the Tale of the Scorpion and The Frog
An Aesop’s fable tells the story of the scorpion and the frog. Excuse me while I add my own hood flava to it.
A scorpion and a frog meet up on the bank of a stream. Since scorpions cannot swim, the scorpion politely asks the frog to carry him across the stream on his back. The frog, knowing that this is some risky shit asks the scorpion “Yo man, how do I know you won’t sting the hell out of me?” The scorpion puts on his best smile and reassures the frog by saying “It’s all good baby! Man why you trippin? If I sting you, I’ll drown too!”
Hmm, this seems reasonable to the frog, so he tells the Scorpion to climb on and he starts the swim across the stream. Everything seems to be going fine and the frog relaxes, thinking the scorpion is really true to his word and this is gonna be fine and dandy.
But as soon as they get to the rough part of the stream, right in the middle, the scorpion whips out his stinger and does his thing to the frog. The frog feels his legs locking up from the toxin. He can’t move which means he ain’t making it to the other side of the stream. He also knows that since he won’t be able to move, sinking to the bottom of the stream and drowning is the next item on his agenda.
Realizing that he is done for and that both he and the scorpion will die within seconds, he asks the scorpion “Man, what the fuck did you do that for?”
The scorpion leans over to look the dying frog in the eye and says “I don’t know. I can’t help it. It’s just my nature and I gotta do me.”
Category: Date Smarter, Not Harder
Deborrah, you are one smart cookie !!!!I would like to suggest you write a book of Asop Deborrah fables designed especially for our young people, maybe 10-22 yrs old. Look, if Whoopi, Madonna, Kim Wayans, princess Fergie and a host of other celebs can write children books I know you can too and I believe it will be not only a best seller but a classic as well.
You cant say no one ever told you so !!!
I actually have a children’s book half written that I think would be a fantastic seller. Now if only I can get my act together and finish it. :/ But thanks for the support Carol.
Well Deborrah, long as my computer is at least halfway working I will put you in my to do list to periodically remind you finish that children book. lol !!!
tee hee hee!!
Moral of the story:
When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Trust what they are, what they do, not what they say.