Black Churches – Where Women Pray and Men Prey

. 05/23/2012 . 82 Comments

Pray, Pay and Obey!

Black churches are full of black women and children. Black women are statistically the most church-going demographic in the United States. But what has all the being on your knees in black churches and praying brought you?

 ? ? ?

Not a husband!

Black churches are filled to the brim with single women waiting year after year after year for God to bless them with a man.

Not more money!

According to Black Enterprise magazine, the median wealth of the African American woman in the U.S. is less than $100, yet Black women fund pastors that live lifestyles of the rich and famous.

Not more power!The Black Church Where Women Pray and Men Prey by Deborrah Cooper

Black women have been brainwashed into believing that their primary “role” is to lift up and submit to Black men. No matter how smart and accomplished a Black woman is outside of church, once within those walls she is nothing without a man. 

Not more peace of mind!

Pastors are not trained or equipped to handle mental or emotional illnesses, yet they practice as mental health professionals – illegal in every state in the country.

Church is not a safe place for your children either, with rampant sexual abuse and molestation within Black churches at epidemic levels.

All that going to church does for Black women is keep your spirits wanting while you fatten the pockets of greedy pastors, hip to the last legal pimp game there is!

All that going to Black churches does is make you and your children easy prey for many types of predators commonly found in the pulpits and pews of Black churches across America.


Pray, Pay and Obey!


Based on the shocking blog post that had CNN, Al Sharpton, Michael Baisden, Michael Eric Dyson, Al Joyner and all of Black America in an uproar: “The Black Church: How Black Churches Keep African American Women Single and Lonely!” author Deborrah Cooper continues an uncomfortable examination of the Christian religion, Prosperity Gospel, and Black preachers in The Black Church: Where Women Pray and Men Prey.

A shocking exposé of the manipulative games of female behavioral control, fleecing the flock and other questionable goings-on in Black churches across the U.S. In her newest book on the black church, Deborrah Cooper reveals the truth about how the church pimp game is used by unscrupulous black men to demean, sexually abuse and rob black women and their children in what is supposed to be the house of God!

Click to find out more information about The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Prey

Exposing Dozens of Shocking Realities About Black Churches…

  • Why children that attend Black churches are sitting ducks for child molesting pedophiles
  • How the church game in the pulpit and the pimp game on the streets mirror each other
  • Why the majority of Black women in church will hear nothing but false promises made by false prophets
  • How Biblical scriptures are cleverly twisted to manipulate your thoughts and behaviors with guilt and shame
  • The real reason there are few single Black males of marriageable quality in Black churches
  • Why no one prospers from Prosperity Gospel but the men to whom you give your money
  • How to take charge of your financial future and spirituality without ever setting foot in a church again

No matter how you feel about church, this book reveals some uncomfortable truths. 

Every black woman that thinks church is the best place to spend her time or money needs to read it.

Every black woman that takes her children to church needs to read it.

Every black woman that spends more than an hour per week ‘in service’ to a church needs to read it.

Every black woman that worships her Pastor even more than she worships God needs to read it.

Every black woman that shouts that she is married to Jesus needs to read it. 

Listen to podcast with Author Deborrah Cooper explaining the issues behind this book and the reasons she was motivated to write it!

Listen to internet radio with Ms HeartBeat on Blog Talk Radio

Click here to participate in the Preyed Upon in God’s House research survey upon which certain sections of the book and subsequent articles are based.

Contains dozens of real-life stories of sexual abuse by Pastors, Ministers, Bishops, and church members, along with astute observations about the games being run on Black women. Too many black churches are run like cults with the omnipotent leader in charge. Billions of dollars are taken in by churches in the U.S. every year – do you know how your Black church dollars are spent? Are the messages you’re hearing in church from the lips of your pastor really the truth or are they merely words spoken to control you and your wallet? These cold, hard questions and the surprising answers will be revealed when you read this book!

The Black Church: Where Black Women Pray and Men Prey!

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