Unwed Fathers – Do They Have the Right to Demand an Abortion?

. 12/09/2011 . 10 Comments


Let’s talk about the abortion option in a bit more detail than I discussed in the recent post Men’s Right to Choose: Opting Out of Fatherhood With a Financial Abortion.  I think its necessary because two very important side discussions have sprouted up that I need to address immediately.

Apparently, simple minded men seem to view a woman aborting a pregnancy as nothing but a happy choice, like choosing whether to have a strawberry or vanilla ice cream cone. Easy, quick, satisfying, no big deal. Men want fairness and equality and a voice in the birthing option, okay.  I got something for your “demand an abortion” asses right here.

What I advocate is that men be ordered to participate in pre-abortion counseling. At present, abortion counseling is ordered in many states but only for women, as if she impregnated herself. You heard that right – before a grown woman can get an abortion she is ordered by the State in which she lives to participate in a “birth options” program which may include watching a movie of an abortion, and seeing an example of what is suctioned out. Believe me, I am going to write as many pro life groups as I can find online to suggest they work on getting laws changed to include this mandate.

But I won’t stop there. I believe we need to get more unwed fathers involved in the actual abortion process as well.

New mandates should include that men be forced to watch the very same movies and get the very same pre-abortion “pro-life” lectures before they sign anything that states they are in favor of their wives, girlfriends or baby’s mommas receiving an abortion.  Let’s make men watch a big color movie  with surround sound of an abortion taking place, so they hear the suction sounds of the abortion machine, experience the vibration, see the woman wincing and jumping and crying. Make men see all that goes on with getting an abortion so they can really share in the decision making process.

Men are very visual and auditory creatures, and this should do the trick. I think y’all need to see and hear this to know the reality of what you are preaching women do to save your asses from writing a monthly check.

Pro-lifers around the nation, get on board with this, please! Start lobbying now to change laws so that the father has to at least LOOK at it a damn FILM so they know what they are pushing for, because right now none of these guys have a clue. But they are all over the web jumping up and down talking about “YEAH YEAH we should be able to make her get an abortion because we put our dick in her but yet we don’t want the baby that came of it! We still want to play with all the other coochies out here! I’m not ready to be a father, I just want to screw as many women as possible with no repercussions!”

I would also advocate that every man who believes he has the right to demand an abortion be forced to attend the abortion, and be there while it is taking place. Right in the room with the woman and her physician so he endure, as closely as possible, the exact visual and auditory experience that the woman does. And unless a man agrees to both of the above in writing, and shows up to both appointments to sign off, he can just prepare himself for a DNA test and 18 years of child support.

You would get one or the other, not both.

When such laws are in place, then and ONLY THEN might I consider agreeing that men should have a say-so in whether or not a woman keeps a baby that he doesn’t want the responsibility of parenting.

Until that day, however, y’all can GTFOH with that noise you talk. Whining like big ass babies about paying child support and having a child depend on your sorry ass. Interestingly enough though, not one of you whined when it was time to get some tail. SMH.

73 Votes


Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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