Alpha Males Get the Best, Losers Get the Rest!

. 05/01/2012 . 0 Comments

A lot of men are under the impression that there’s no such thing as an “Alpha Male”. Sure, you can find dominant males in the animal kingdom. But when it comes to humans? A lot of men like to believe that we’re all on equal footing with the men of the same quality as us. If you consider yourself a 5, then you’re at par with other 5’s. Of course, you’ve long accepted the fact that you’ll never be on the same level as the 6’s, the 7’s or the 8’s.

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While your level on the hot-o-meter can help determine your dating success, it’s not the be-all and end-all of dating. There are a lot of other factors and this is what Alpha Males take advantage of. Yes, there are Alpha Males and the sooner that you recognize that, the better. Why? It’s because you can be an Alpha Male yourself.

It’s about the confidence.

Do you really expect women to like you if you don’t like yourself? If you rank yourself a 5 and you act like a 5, women will see you as a 5. It’s that simple. They’ll smell your lack of confidence like how a dog smells fear and they’ll eat you alive. As you get rejected left and right, your confidence will plummet. It will be so bad that you won’t be able to look women in the eyes.

Walk, talk and act with confidence. Think of it this way. Even if you’re somewhere below average in the looks department, women will be interested to say the least if you’re confident. They’ll think that there’s more to you than meets the eye and they’ll be more than happy to hook up with you just to find out what you have to offer. With this confidence, you’ll have a lot to offer.

It’s also about the packaging.

Sure, you’re not blessed with movie-star looks. Does this mean that you have to package yourself as a bum? Dress with class and sophistication and stand out from the men who are still stuck with the university shirt and tattered jeans ensemble. Stop getting your haircut from Supercuts and pay a premium to have a new haircut. Know how to accessorize to show sophistication and practicality. Be a package that women would love to open.

Be unpredictable.

Here’s a newsflash for men – women know all of our “tried and tested” moves! You’ll be speaking to the hand as soon as you start using these moves. This is why Alpha Males are successful. They’re unpredictable with their actions. Be unpredictable and women wouldn’t know what hit them.


About the Author

Gregg Michaelsen is the owner of Keys to Seduction – a site that provides dating advice for men. This guest post is all about developing alpha male traits and you can find a lot of other dating advice for men on the Keys to Seduction site!


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