The Pair and a Spare Dating Program

. 09/25/2010 . 15 Comments

Talking to a friend of mine the other day, I expressed my opinion that all single women should consider dating more than one man at a time. Preferably three.  What I call “a pair and a spare dating program,” involves keeping 3 men in rotation until such time as one rises to the top like cream.  Should that happen, you get rid of the other two circling vultures. She was horrified and thought I was the most awful person in the world.


I have 19 male cousins, 3 brothers, and at least a dozen male buddies.  One thing I know is that men do this multiple dating thing as a matter of course.  They don’t meet just ONE woman and drop everything and everyone to date her!  But women do this almost automatically for some reason.  It kills me how females meet a guy and start obsessing over every word he says, every gesture he makes, dissecting and over analyzing everything to the nth degree, and wondering “where this is going?”

Wow, can you find out his middle name first before you start picking out the dress and ordering invitations?

And please don’t let a woman find out a guy has been seeing or sleeping with some other chick while seeing and sleeping with her too.  Oh lawd!

“He cheated on me!” she angrily declares to anyone within 400 yards.  “He’s nothing but a dog, a player!  He used me!”  

Excuse me girlfriend…. how can he “cheat” on you when you two were never an item?  Just because you slept with him doesn’t make him your committed boyfriend you know. If you dropped them drawers and assumed that meant a commitment where none existed BEFORE you got horizontal… well, I don’t know what to tell you.  Yes I do.  You are dumb.

That is why I think the best policy is for all women to date more than one guy at a time (three guys at a time to be exact), and participate in the “Pair and a Spare Dating Program.”

See, having more than one man around keeps you entertained and having a good time with a couple of fun people.  You get attention, affection, and you have something to do on weekends with either Man A, Man B or Man C.

And by mixing it up, you don’t get too caught up on any one fella.  You therefore don’t waste your time with an unsuitable knucklehead trying to “make it work.”  And you certainly don’t start focusing on him to the exclusion of all other guys, nor do you overload any one guy with obligations and responsibilities he hasn’t signed on for.

Sure, you will meet some men that demand instant and total loyalty from the first date.  Guys that glob on like that are kinda scary, and I would imagine that men feel the same way when women glob onto them.   I’ve come across a few of such men in my life.  One guy (older than me by eight years), gruffly told me to “get rid of all my other niggahs” after we talked on the phone twice and went on one lunch date! Haven’t seen or talked to him since.

Men have expressed to me that a woman dating more than one guy at a time is judged to be a player, a hoochie mama, a gold digger that uses men for entertainment.  They are especially fearful that said woman might be SLEEPING WITH ALL THREE GUYS.  So what?  Tell them to get lost!  These guys haven’t proven themselves to be anything special yet, and have no right to demand that we give up investigating all other possibilities in our search for our Mr. Right Life Partner and “settle” for his ass!

Not only that, every man has special and unique abilities, personalities, and ways of looking at the world.  Why settle for one skill set when you can partake of three?

Speaking of three, I think I need to make sure you understand that three is the maximum, not the minimum. Who can juggle more than three guys at a time?  We have demanding jobs, school, or children we need to tend to.  We have friends, other social obligations, hobbies we enjoy, and extended families we need to spend time with as well.  Which means there really isn’t a whole lotta time to spend looking at some man’s face.  So if you meet a new guy that really rocks your world, you let one of your other three guys go and replace him with the new dude.

You are allowed a pair and a spare, that’s it.

Women need to stop trying to win men’s approval and be “good girls.”  Instead, stand up for your rights when it comes to dating. Do what you want to do, whatever works and makes YOU happy.  Tell men straight up:  “hey, I am dating around until I find the right fit.  You might ultimately be that guy, but until I spend more time with you and get to know you better, I am going to continue dating a few people. You should do the same.”

Such declarations level the playing field and openly and honestly let men know where they stand.  Most men enjoy the chase of winning a woman’s heart and don’t want anything that comes too easily anyway.  And for all singles,  there’s nothing worst than someone ASSuming they are the only one in your life or in your bed.  There is no reason for you to assist in perpetuating their fantasy filled delusions by not being straightforward about your Pair and a Spare Dating Program.

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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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