Dating Relationships: When Does Politeness End and the Farting Begin?

. 10/06/2012 . 14 Comments

The friend in question felt that a man letting one rip within reach of her nose was nasty and very disrespectful. She believe that a man who farts around her is expressing that he has little to no regard for her and the budding relationship.

She thought it completely ungentlemanly and inhumane that a man would fart in her presence. She believes her man should get up and run to the bathroom or some other location in the house to cut one every time his stomach felt a little bubbly.

I was thinking knowing the average man, she wouldn’t see him much!

Growing up in a household with a crazy Dad and several brothers, farting games and jokes were a memorable part of my childhood.

Much to my mother’s dismay, my Dad would strike the most interesting poses when he let one fly. Heisman trophy winner pose – RIPPPPP. Gun finger – RIPPPP. Hand behind ear listening intently in anticipation of what was to come – RIPPPP. I still remember the time he took a few running steps and leaped into the air in a rock star air guitar pose and ripped a good loud one on the way down.

Hey I was a kid and this was great stuff!

Admittedly, intentionally farting like that would probably be considered quite rude when a couple first gets together; they need time for the fart barrier to be broken.

Others believe as Shelia does: “there are some ‘secrets’ and air of mystery that should always be maintained… and right on the top of that is how your fart smells!”

But let’s say you’ve been together six months or a couple of ye

ars. Is it realistic to expect your man to keep “company manners” forever? How would it work if your man has to be so controlled, stiff and unrelaxed around you that he can’t accidentally let one slip without having to worry about you packing up and leaving?

After all, everyone wants to feel loved and accepted for being who and what they are. Such acceptance is key for men who already worry that they don’t measure up and won’t be the knight in shining armor they feel you deserve to have.

Women can open the door to this acceptance by being more real with their men and themselves. Really ladies, how can you have sex with a man and perform the most intimate of physical acts, yet be ashamed of a fart?

And how can you even TRY to look glamorous when you have bad cramps, the flu, or your back is out? Why focus on putting on a false face when you’re being treated for an illness that makes your body bloated or your hair fall out? Wouldn’t you want your mate to know, love and accept you even if you are vomiting all over the place?

Keep this fact in mind: when someone feels judged, watched critically and condemned, they become guarded and protective. The guarded behavior required to protect themselves from your critical words or glances will cause your lover to protect his heart as well.

Love cannot grow in an environment of criticism and fear, but does well in an environment when a couple can see the humor in embarrassing situations.

Cynthia described a humorous farting escapade where she was the perpetrator.

“It was the evening of the 4th of July. I had made my bean salad and we took it over to my boyfriend’s sister’s home. His brother-in- law is a great cook who makes these wonderful meaty beef ribs. I ate quite a lot. Well later on that night when we were sleeping, I kept hearing this noise sounding like… I dunno… maybe like air being slowly let out of a balloon or something. In my dream I was focused on the balloons at the party we’d just attended., I woke up just as the sound died away. When I looked at my beau, all I could see was the whites of his eyes gleaming in the dark. I said, ‘Did you hear that?’ He said, ‘The neighbors heard that! Good thing I don’t smoke and don’t turn on a lamp, I don’t want to trigger a spark behind all those fumes!”

LOL, those beans had kicked in and he just laid there and listened to my looooooong fart. I’d never done that before or since. It was too funny!”

Dawn shared her own Tale From the Fart Crypts:

“We are vegetarians here. One evening the family ate bean burritos, and the uneaten portions left on plates was given to our 150 lb dog. So we were all in the living room watching a movie after dinner. An hour into the movie my stomach started rolling. Then I smelled the most horrible smell. The dog farted and the smell was unbelievable. I was laughing so hard that I let one off too. The dog looked at me in disgust and left the room. From that night on my boyfriend affectionately calls me “stink butt!” I can’t help it! If I start to laugh too hard I can’t keep them in!”

(continued on page 3 below)

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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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