Marriage Material – Yes, No or Maybe?

. 07/23/2012 . 1 Comment


Have you ever dated someone you were crazy about and considered marriage material, yet wished you could change this one little thing about him or her? Have you reveled in the fact that you and your sweetie had almost everything in common, yet you still broke up? Just what is it that we really need to look for in order to promote a successful future with someone?

What are the qualities you should look for in a potential husband or wife?marriage material wife material husband material suitable for marriage qualities of a good husband

Perhaps the best way to determine whether he or she is marriage material and wedding-worthy is to ask yourself a few questions. There are five basic elements that you need to really look at before any relationship can progress towards something truly successful. Marriage material elements are as follows: emotional, sexual, intellectual, financial, and spiritual.

  1. Emotional: Take the emotional aspect of a person’s makeup. This area includes a person’s psychological characteristics, emotional styles and expressions. Perspective on the world, level of self-esteem, confidence, intimacy, ability to share, commit. Weaknesses, strengths, respect of self and others, vanity, attitude. The list goes on…
  2. Sexual:  Sexuality means different things to different people. For some, it means the physical act itself, perhaps something wild and freaky. For others sexuality is expressed through romance and plays an important part in their sexual response. A few traits to keep in mind when looking for a partner might be level of interest, romance, attraction, love, variations, response, monogamy, communication, risk taking, playfulness, awareness of STDs, and physical appearance.
  3. Intellectual: A persons intellect is reflected in how a person thinks about the world he or she inhabits, and how they interact day to day. Some people are easy-going and casual, while some thrive on being type A personalities. A person’s intellectual style influences include expression of ideas, level of education, sense of humor, goals, skills, and hobbies. Intellect also dictates mistakes one makes, conversation and learning styles, interests and quickness of thought.
  4. Financial: Money affects everyone. How one treats financial interests tells much about him or her, and can make the difference between a comfortable life and a life of living Hell. It’s important to be compatible in the area of finances. Pay close attention to your potential mate’s spending style, lifestyle, goals, retirement, savings and ideas about money and debt in general.
  5. Spiritual: Spiritually doesn’t necessarily mean a person’s religious orientation, rather a basic belief system about life in general. A spiritual person has a strong sense of self, a defined reason for living. Spirituality includes beliefs about ethics, the importance of religion, purpose of life, optimism, acceptance of others, integrity, honesty, responsibility and social values.


Marriage Material – Using the Core Elements to Make a Match!

Whenever you are interested in someone, it’s important to know his or her views on each of the five components above. The more areas of comparability, the stronger the foundation of the relationship will be, and the more likely he or she is to be marriage material. People can certainly have differences, but too many may strain a relationship. Observe and communicate, and hopefully, you will be able to catch major differences early on to avoid pain later.

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Dating Diva

With a long history of dating and making grand boo-boos myself, as well as hearing the disastrous stories of other singles from around the world, I'm here to share experiences so you don't make the same dumb mistakes.

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