Tag: dating tips

Female Submission – Why Weak Men Want Submissive Women

. 10/05/2009 . 58 Comments

Female submission is pushed by fathers, pastors, deacons and ministers and society as a whole. The brainwashing is complete when women make statements that women should be submissive to men because it is a woman’s nature. It is not in a woman’s “nature” to be anything but great and powerful self-actualizing citizens of the world. Yet various cultures and religions have limited female options and choices based strictly on gender. Women of today, their mothers, and their mother’s mothers have all been socialized by men to believe that men are superior and that women should subjugate themselves to males. But that is nothing but a lie.

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What Do Men Say Is “Sexy?”

. 07/21/2009 . 1 Comment

In the United States women go on extreme diets to get thin; pierce lips, eyes, nostrils and nipples; or endure surgical procedures like breast enlargements, tummy tucks, Botox injections, face lifts and body waxing because they think men will find these physical modifications to be sexier. Surprise! The men I interviewed mentioned NONE of those things on their list of sexy attributes.

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When I’m Good, I’m Very Good…But When I’m Bad, I’m Even Better!

. 07/13/2009 . 1 Comment

Whether an angry, baby making hoochie, or a scripture quoting “good” woman, females at both ends of the spectrum of femininity are tiresome and boring. Both need to open their minds to new experiences and embrace the concept that a woman can be both intelligent and fun, spiritual and sexy – all at the same time. Tips for how to be an exciting woman that’s sometimes good, and sometimes not.

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For Men: The Difference Between Interest and Desperation

. 07/11/2009 . 0 Comments

He Says/She Says tackles the issue of rejection and dating for men. The authos explain the difference between showing interest in a woman and presenting oneself as desperate. Developing the ability to confidently show interest and approach a woman means guys must change their perspective and not be so attached to the outcome.

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The Dangers of the “Undefined” Relationship

. 07/06/2009 . 0 Comments

Women must refuse to allow undefined relationships for long periods of time. For a relationship to develop any depth, the relationship must be acknowledged both privately and publicly by both people. If you’re participating in an undefined relationship but think it is going somewhere, you need to wake up and smell the game!

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Men Don’t Understand When They Are IN A RELATIONSHIP

. 06/30/2009 . 0 Comments

Explanation of what women mean when they say “we’re in a relationship” because guys just don’t seem to get it. When a woman is looking for a specific, desired outcome from their interaction with a person of the opposite sex, she labels their regular interaction as “a relationship.” A relationship is much more important in her life than a mere date. A relationship usually includes sex for women. Guys don’t get that if they have sex with a woman more than a couple of times, she is going to consider that “a relationship” whether you want it to be one or not! In other words, you are her boyfriend, with all the obligations and responsiblities that title entails.

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The 10 Reasons Your Goofy Butt Didn’t Get a Second Date

. 06/28/2009 . 0 Comments

With each new person you date there is excitement and hopeful anticipation. Of course not every date is going to go the distance or anywhere at all. But if you are one of those folks that have a hard time getting a second date with everyone you meet, it’s time to examine your behavior and make sure you aren’t making any of these ten dating blunders.

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Why Did The Almighty Waste Ears on Men When They Never Listen Anyway?

. 06/24/2009 . 0 Comments

Men wonder why women file for 75% of the divorces in this country. It seems that men just don’t understand how important communication and listening skills are to the quality and duration of their relationships with women. Whether in a personal or professional setting, men need to learn how to HEAR women, not just the words we say but the message we are communicating about how we FEEL.

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What a Black Man Needs in a Relationship

. 06/23/2009 . 0 Comments

Just like Freud (who admittedly never could figure out what women wanted), women don’t understand men and what their relationship needs are! But I have the answer, and it’s very simple.

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I Need a Break from Dating

. 05/10/2009 . 1 Comment

When I think about going on a date I no longer get excited. Nor do I wonder if he could be \”the one.\” What I think now about dating is: \”Crap! Do I have to?\”

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