Tag: religious black men

Day 3 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Failure to Protect

. 03/05/2013 . 8 Comments

Widespread acceptance of violence by black men towards black women is dangerous. Black women have no confidence that black men will protect them, as in many instances you are the ones that she needs protection from! Too many of you now see the victimization of women as nothing but entertainment.

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When a Religious Black Man is Looking for a Wife

. 06/02/2012 . 18 Comments

The hypocrisy of the so-called religious black man is evident when they make posts such as the one quoted here. Why does every black man with an opinion about what HE wants in a wife flatly state that his thoughts apply to every single black man in the world. It’s as if they truly believe their opinion is universal and every black woman should listen to them just because they are a man.

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