Teen pregnancies get on her nerves

. 04/07/2011 . 2 Comments

Teen preggers are really starting to get on my nerves.

What the hell do they think motherhood, marriage and family are all about? It’s a gdamn responsibility. All I see is that they spread kids with the ease they get a new purse.

Enuf with the teen mothers sh7t.

And plz dont give me the “not everyone’s the same” line. Some of you I bet have done a great job raising your kids. But it doesnt make up for this irresponsible teen motherhood frenzyness goin around.

If the law can’t do it, there should be some sort of forced education on this matter.

Secilia in Greece

Dear Secilia:
I was with you until I noticed your rant was all about females. I am throwing the bullshit flag on your play honey. Why? Because not ONE GIRL GOT PREGNANT BY HERSELF. So get out of here with that nonsense! It’s teen PARENTS  and both parties are equally responsible for the child getting here.

Here in the United States, more teen girls are impregnated by ADULT men in their 20s and early 30s that are nothing but pervert pedophile freaks.  They troll middle schools and high school looking for young females to victimize. I’ve never been to Greece, so I have no idea if similar things are happening there.  But in a situation where a child (which is what an underage minor is) gets pregnant by an adult, a crime has been committed and someone needs to be imprisoned for it. Instead, women like you blame the girl for getting pregnant instead of the adult male for making her that way.

There is plenty of education on birth control and pregnancy available. What is NOT available for young women is information on how to protect themselves from the mental and emotional  games that men play to have free access to a young woman’s vagina.  Young girls believe the words of love, the promises of happily ever after and family that come from the lips of these opportunists. No one has told them that men will lie and tell you anything they even remotely think you want to hear in order to get access to your vagina.

Such egregious behaviors are in my mind criminal. The fact that a young girl’s life is put on hold while she has to raise a child (when she is nothing but a child herself), compounds the criminal act.  Young women’s lives are ruined forever because a man just had to play games with her innocence and youth instead of going and paying a professional hooker to take care of his “interests.”

So yes, young people in their teens are not prepared to parent. This goes for both males and females.

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