When Black Men Attack

. 12/26/2010 . 9 Comments

A day or so ago, someone sent me a message to inform me that yet another person had something to say critical of me and my work. The message contained a link to a video on You Tube. You Tube invites everyone to make videos which relate to others, to support either a pro or con viewpoint. So the fact that someone made a video is in itself not exciting or unique. What is of interest is the content of the videos.  And what I have found curious when Black men choose to make videos about me is that:

  1. the videos are always made by men I don’t know in the real world, who I have dismissed from my online world, and that are angry about something I’ve said;
  2. they make their posts or videos after they try to contact me and force me to read their insults and I block them because I don’t do stupid men;
  3. they feel the need to correct me, make me see things their way, to show me how I am wrong and they are right and I need to bow down and think like other women;
  4. they rarely if ever attack the issues and behaviors I speak of, they instead attack me personally; and
  5. it’s really not that serious that they have to go through all this drama over something said online by a person they don’t even know!

To me such behavior shows the attitude I wiill be addressing on an upcoming broadcast and in an article I’m working on right now which will be posted on Surviving Dating very soon – The Emotionally Abusive Black Man. These guys are everywhere! 

Every utterance from their mouths about females is designed to make women feel small, a failure, less than men, sad, confused, unhappy, unintelligent. Their sole goal is to make females doubt themselves and their power and strength. They seek to hurt women with their words because they feel empowered if they can make women feel emotional pain and psychological hurt. 

These guys also have the goal of making women doubt the validity of their thoughts and opinions, which they do with a variety of methods which I will outline for women unware of the bullshit games these sick in the head fellas play. 

You want to know why this is a goal for them? They want to hurt females to feel powerful and manly since inside they feel like weak, frightened litle boys. They can’t have you ladies feeling confident and strong when they are supposed to “be the man.”

They say and do all they can to hurt confident women that they perceive to be stronger and more accomplished than they. They want to bring women down to their emotional level.

As for the videos… it takes a lot of time and energy to make a video (I know because I’ve made about 15 of them), so it is always amazing to me when these folks go out of their way to try to “get back” at me. They want me to know that they are throwing their video tantrum. I find it amusing. 

The part that makes me laugh is they think I care and that their words will hurt me, change me, impact me in some way. It never has and never will. I am not the average Black woman and you will NEVER break me. Hundreds have tried over the years and all have failed. At this point I am older and stronger than ever with even more personal power. You will never be successful at impacting me in any way dudes. 

So whoever made the one referenced in the message, and any man that makes one in the future should know … if it makes you feel better to do that, have at it! Make dozens of them until you get that all out of your system and can think rationally again. 

The United States is until further notice a free country and everyone is entitled to their opinion. But you guys should also know that any attempts to criticize, undermine, trivialize and/or belittle me will have no effect on what I say or do, or how I say or do it. I will keep being me no matter what you do. 

The only person whose opinion matters to me is mine.

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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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