Why Women Ignore Men
With nothing intelligent to do with my time, I decided to wander into a local eatery for a happy hour snack and beverage. I’ve discovered that happy hour is a great place to meet people, and it provides wonderful opportunities for me to ask questions and stay abreast of the astonishing things going on in the minds of single men and women in the dating world.
So I parked my bodacious butt on a stool, and ordered nachos and a margarita. Recognizing me from a few weeks ago, a gentleman ran over to my table to ask how my research was going and what fascinating things I’d learned about the opposite sex since we last spoke. He and I chatted for a few minutes, then he whispered that he had a question for me.
“Shoot!” I said.
“Women seem to spend a lot of time intentionally ignoring men, not giving eye contact, paying zero attention…being totally self-absorbed, etc.” he said. “How do you notice guys? Does a guy ever catch your eye?”
[Did I say astonishing? Perhaps “jaw droppingly unfuckingbelievable” would be more appropriately descriptive.]
Taking a big swig of my tasty beverage, I had to explain to the young man (who was at least 35 and should know better) that women are not self-absorbed, men are.
Really, for him to think that because he showed up there should be a drum roll, house lights would dim, and all eyes would be on him is a fantasy and a dream.
Apparently he believed because he was there and wanted female attention, women were supposed to drop whatever they were thinking about or doing and make him the focus of their existence. Talk about a sense of entitlement!
It took every ounce of control I had not to laugh in his face. Sometimes I even surprise myself with my restraint.
Politely I asked him where he got the notion that he was a God. What I really wanted to say was “what a dork, can you get a clue?!”
Guys need to understand this – Women look at men when they are interested, and completely ignore you when they are not.
If a woman is not looking at YOU, that means she is not interested in YOU for whatever reason she has. She could already have a boyfriend, a husband, or someone she is focused on making her boyfriend.
Could be that she is thinking about the job interview she has in an hour, the hot date she has tonight and what to wear, worrying about her sick mother, the cost of her upcoming vacation, when the Midol is going to kick in and these cramps go away, or be fighting back tears as she is upset about the fight she had a few minutes ago with her sister.
Believe it or not, women have a lot to think about that does not have anything to do with men.
What men also don’t understand is that women have “check you out” skills that are comparable to light speed. Unlike men, we don’t have to stare for 5 minutes to get the whole picture. A woman can glance at you and in less than 3 seconds assess your confidence, body build and fitness, attitude, hygiene, marital status, intelligence, health, physical prowess, social skills, financial status, and thus, her interest.
If she looks then looks away and NEVER LOOKS AT YOU AGAIN, you didn’t make the cut. Move on.
Now if she looks at you a second time, she has questions and is looking deeper.
If she looks a third time and smiles, you’ve caught her eye and you need to seize the opportunity presented. Women will make eye contact with men they feel are on their level, and prefer not to encourage those that don’t stand a chance.
Accept that women’s worlds do not revolve around men and no woman owes you her attention, time, conversation or even a smile. If you get a woman’s attention, feel blessed. Single women are not here to make every guy feel better about himself, only the man she deems worthy.
And that may or may not be you.
Category: Men's Issues
Ian32, note that she said “light speed” not “laser accuracy”.
All people, men and women, form snap judgments when they first see someone. The only way to determine accuracy is through experience. Some people are good at sizing up a stranger, some not so much. Some will learn from their errors and improve, some will make the same mistakes over and over again.
Think about it: How long do you have to look at a woman before you decide whether she’s attractive?
Though I believe Deborrah is misinterpreting why men often take more time to evaluate. A woman can rely on snap judgments because her decision is simpler. All she has to decide is whether a man is worth a few moments of her time. A man often has to do a bit more scouting because he’s the one making the approach. Most women will ignore a strange man trying to get her attention. A man has to tailor his approach if he wants to get past that initial evaluation.
Some men can pull off the three-second checkout and approach. But such men are usually hard-core players.
@Doogan “note that she said “light speed” not laser accuracy”
Why are you so hung up on that? Men aint’ that hard to figure out. So I’m not surprised that women can pretty much sum them up at a glance. They can tell by the way he’s looking at her what he’s all about. Although it hurts your ego to think otherwise, there are plenty of sharp sisters out there that can read a brother and read him accurately. Get over it already. Most men tend to be persistent (initially) because they are after pretty much one thing… booty and they will hunt that booty down if they suspect they have a shot at getting it. I’ve known dudes to still pursue a woman who is no longer interested in them years later, all because he still is jonesing behind the booty he ‘once’ had. Bottom line (and you’re missing the point),. If a woman you’re interested in, is not into you, she won’t respond to you..period and there is nothing you can do about it.
@Doogan Well thanks for your reply Doogan. I think you managed to avoid accusing me and men of being ‘immature’, ‘angry’, ‘egotistical’, having a sense of entitlement, ‘self absorbed’, being a toddler, having low self esteem, not being able to face reality and on and on…

Can anyone see why I called misandry on this post?
@Ian123 @Doogan “Can anyone see why I called misandry on this post:?”
Males like you always do that. Whenever women say something about your character that you don’t like, she is supposed to be a man hater. You fail to look at yourself and how you come across. There is a world of difference between you and Doogan. Doogan comes off as a mature man who does not have a fragile ego and does not take it personally if a woman isn’t interested in him. He even wondered why this was a discussion.
You on the other hand chose to be offended at the thought of women having check you out skills that allowed them to size a man up quickly, whereas men don’t seem to display those judgements as quickly when they pursue a woman. ” You took that an in your mind, created an argument about men being inferior to woman. All of this DOES in fact speak to low self esteem and fragile ego. How you take something has everything to do with your mindset and nothing to do with the author’s.
The thought of a woman having an ability that gives her an edge when it comes to dating and mating rubbed you the wrong way. You didn’t like that. You like to think that it is the man who has the edge.
So yes, you come off as overly sensitive and whiny. Whereas Doogan comes off as confident and mature. It’s not misandry, it is just there are very foew Doogans, (unfortunately) and lots of Ians type of men that women have to deal with.
“The thought of a woman having an ability that gives her an edge when it comes to dating and mating rubbed you the wrong way.”
No I just thought the author was being unfair towards men. Perhaps my original comment of ‘intensely misandric’ was a bit strong. I’ve been reading a book about misandry you see so if I come across as overly sensitive then perhaps that’s why.
Also perhaps the author was just having a bit of a rant and I took it too seriously? I myself am always grumbling about women. (I wonder if I’d get away with that on here?)
But ultimately yes, I think the post was unfair towards men, sexist or misandric.
“You like to think that it is the man who has the edge.”
No not at all. I don’t see much difference between men and women when it comes to deciphering the opposite sex.
You’ve made this mistake in judging me because you’re tying to fit me into a negative male stereotype. You write, ‘Males like you’ and ‘(there are) lots of Ians type of men’. You see, you’re making negative judgements about me based primarily on my maleness rather than on me as an individual. This is quintessentially sexist.
I suppose you think that you’re not being sexist; you’re just speaking the truth. For example, you write that a woman’s check you out skills are ‘reality’. Well they aren’t ‘reality’. This is just your opinion and it could be right or wrong.
“you come off as overly sensitive and whiny. Whereas Doogan comes off as confident and mature.”
You come off as needing to chill out. And dare I say it, kind of whiny yourself.
“The thought of a woman having an ability that gives her an edge when it comes to dating and mating rubbed you the wrong way.”
If women are better than men at deciphering the opposite sex then I don’t have a problem with that. I’m just not convinced that its true.
“You like to think that it is the man who has the edge.”
Actually I don’t see much difference between men and women when it comes to deciphering the opposite sex.
Perhaps my original comment of ‘intensely misandric’ was a bit strong. I’ve been reading a book about misandry you see so if I come across as overly sensitive then maybe that’s why.
Bottom line is men can’t accept this sentence from the article: ‘’Women look at men when they are interested, and completely ignore you when they are not’.
These men are just angry that they’ve been ignored by the women they wanted to attract and to make their fragile little egos feel better, they have to put down the woman because ‘she didn’t give him the time and attention he felt he deserved simply because he wanted it’. They can’t accept that she ignored him, because she wasn’t interested. So the men are really the ones who are self absorbed with their sense of entitlement.
Men need to accept that they aren’t entitled to attention from a woman that interest them. She doesn’t owe him the time of day. Just because he finds her attractive and wants to get with her, doesn’t mean she has to respond to that. That doesn’t make her self absorbed or stuck up. It just makes her a woman he doesn’t even know, who doesn’t want him.. that’s it and that’s all. Men need to accept that and move it along.
Its true. If I see a man walking, and you can see them a mile away, that your not interested in I don’t even bother, I look at the ground or turn to a store window. I notice men esp where I live will look at any woman with a big booty, she doesn’t even have to be cute. On the other hand If I see someone cute I will assess from there. It really can’t be rejection if you have nothing vested in the person or the encounter
Exactly! How can you be rejected by a complete and total stranger? @Violets Mommy
I don’t have a problem with women not giving me attention if they’re not interested in me. What made me complain about this blog post was the following…
“What men also don’t understand is that women have “check you out” skills that are comparable to light speed. Unlike men, we don’t have to stare for 5 minutes to get the whole picture. A woman can glance at you and in less than 3 seconds assess your confidence, body build and fitness, attitude, hygiene, marital status, intelligence, health, physical prowess, social skills, financial status, and thus, her interest.”
It comes across as grandiose on the side of women and belittling of men. Are men in general really one hundred times slower at gauging whether their interested in someone? Or are men really so simple and transparent that they can be judged so thoroughly in three seconds flat?! Can anyone back this stuff up with some evidence?
I don’t think that me ‘whining’ about this is a sign of immaturity or low self-esteem. On the contrary I think it shows confidence that I’m prepared to challenge being judged as inferior to women.
“What men also don’t understand is that women have “check you out” skills that are comparable to light speed.” Unlike men, we don’t have to stare for 5 minutes to get the whole picture.”
Well too bad Ian that you can’t face reality on the ‘women check you out skills’. You may not like it, but that is exactly how it is. See men like you think that you only have the ability and right to check out a woman and decide right then and there if she is a ‘hit it and quit it type of woman’ or if she’s someone you want to get to know beyond sex. You don’t like knowing that women are judging you as well. She’s judging you before she even meets you if she wants to even let you have sex with her. See males have it backwards. Before you even approach a woman, most times she’s already decided whether or not she wants to be bothered with you in the first place.
You all up there thinking you’re convincing her with your ‘game’ when in reality, you wouldn’t even have gotten a chance with her if ‘she’ hadn’t already decided to give you one. Get over it. Instead of whining about it like a toddler, use this knowlege and make sure that when you are in the presence of women, you put your best persona forward so you make a good impression and you won’t get ignored.. then you might stand a chance with a woman that has caught your eye instead of sitting back erroneously thinking you hold all the cards… you don’t. All you can do is approach.. It’s up to the woman to accept your approach or ignore you. Most women already know what they like, what turns them on and they dont’ need to interact with you to decide if they want to get with you. They can tell (just like you can) at a glance. Sometimes interacting with you, only confirms what they’ve already decided.
Men cannot even carry on a conversation while watching television at the same time dude! This lack of duality in the male brain has been analyzed and discussed thousands of times by… MALE SCIENTISTS!!! This is your reality. You do not think as quickly as women. You do not have the inner ‘knowing’ that is referred to as female intuition. You as a male do not have the capacity to multi-task as women do who can cook dinner, monitor what the kids are doing in the next room, and talk on the phone all at the same time! Men can only do ONE thing at a time. Women are also better at recognizing emotions in others and responding accordingly. Men – clueless.
Here’s an article which sets out some of the differences in male and female brain function, almost from birth. http://www.webmd.com/balance/features/how-male-female-brains-differ
It’s okay, we accept you with your limitations. However you will never operate as a woman does and you will never understand how a woman does what she does. Just understand that women can figure you out in a few seconds. The man that approaches and that she allows to talk to her may not be a player – he is just someone she decided she was interested in enough to let him talk to her. With you, not so much.
A woman who is “intentionally ignoring men” isn’t self-absorbed. She’s not interested. If she were self-absorbed, then there wouldn’t be any intent to her ignoring. She’d just be blissfully unaware.
I don’t understand why this is at all interesting or controversial. Any given day there can be plenty of random strangers who want my attention: panhandlers, salespeople, people collecting petition signatures, whatever. In almost all cases, strangers trying to get my attention don’t care about what I want or value my time. They just want something. That’s fine, but I’m not obligated to give them anything, even a passing glance. Usually I ignore them because I don’t feel they warrant my attention.
Why should I be offended if a woman I don’t even know feels the same way about me?
@Doogan Spoken like a mature and sensible man.
Hi Doogan! It’s good to know that there are men with common sense and a sense of propriety who come to this site, because if often feel like most of the male posters are whiny man-children with entitlement issues. @Doogan
@Doogan “A woman who is “intentionally ignoring men’ isn’t self-absorbed. She’s not interested. If she were self-absorbed, then there wouldn’t be any intento to her ignoring. She’d just be blissfully unaware.”
Exactly.. these whiny men don’t even know the difference between being unaware and self absorbed. But what they are really doing is projecting their own self absorption onto the woman in an effort to shore up their egos and the hurt they feel because the woman they want attention from, doesn’t want anything to do with them. It’s all very juvenile really. Like the little boy in grade school who picks on the girl he likes, to make himself feel good and so he can get any kind of attention from her even if it’s negative attention. It’s amazing how many little grade school immature boys are walking around in grown men’s bodies. they may have physically matured, but man they havent’ emotionally or mentally.
I just read through these comments and am astonished at the level of whining by allegedly grown men, who express the belief that they are entitled to a woman’s attention just because they want it! These are the types of men that are dangerous to women – the stalkers, child molesters and rapists of the world have this exact same mentality. I want it and dammit, you better give it to me!
A normal, healthy male understands that no matter how wonderful he and his mother think he is, most women are not going to agree. Instead of demanding that he get anyone’s attention that isn’t interested, he moves on to find a woman that thinks he is the bomb. That’s the great thing about dating, we spend time with one person then another until we find our perfect fit. In order for something to BE perfect for both people, there must be mutual interest, mutual attraction and mutual desire for more. When the interest or attraction is one-sided, you get rejected.
So put your big boy panties on fellas and get over it. All the whining and crying I’ve seen her, the blaming and chastising of women for not giving you what you want is the epitome of immaturity and reeks of desperation and low self esteem. With that in mind, who do you think would want to date you? Really?
Men can learn a lot from reading this blog. It hurts because its true. A lot of what she says is useful. I’ll admit its harsh but so is a drill sergeant. But they gets the job done. You can evaluate someone’s intelligence by their general aura; their energy, how they dress, and how they carry themselves. Information gathering is something we all do all the time. Instead of being angry at women for doing this, or at the author for graciously pointing it out. learn how to master it for yourself. and once you have the eye, point it inward and see what you have to improve. If you can accurately see yourself, you can see others. practice with yourself and reflect. otherwise, and this is not meant to offend, stay at home and meditate. But lets face it, idiocy affects both genders, sadly some women may have great social abilities, however some don’t have high enough standards so they go for abusers and losers. Guys do the same thing in a different way. I hardly think its a gender thing. sounds like an American thing. Men need to learn to be men, and stop being passive aggressive whiners. Get rid of that chip on your shoulder. Women need to grow stronger. Blogs like this help a lot for both. Both genders need to develop confidence that arises, not from cockiness, but from a deep spiritual place.
Also, information women tell you is very useful, but it also takes a good ear to listen. No matter how good the information is, if the filter is in a state of malfunction, the data is lost. Just like having a good eye is important, like the author implies, a good ear is too. listen, look and succeed. Be well.
one thing iv learned about women is a man should never ever take dating advice from a woman. A woman will always tell you what they think they want not what they actually want. men make this mistake all the time. no woman can help you on being a better pimp. only another man can give you the correct advice on dating.
in most cases women will actually tell you information that will harm your pimpin abilities.
@AndreAlwaysVarsityEllis That is the problem with dumb males like you. You refuse to listen to a woman and you continually discount her thoughts. You think you know better than she does about what she wants. This is why women don’t want to be bothered with your trifling behinds. Instead of trying to be a decent man, you’re too busy trying to ‘pimp women’. Women would be wise to leave your bottom of the barrel Pookie down by the carwash types alone. You all ain’t good for too much except skeeting and making babies. Males like you do not make quality mates.. next!
And ladies recognize this. If a man sees himself and how he treats you as “pimpin” that means he sees you as a whore. In other words, unless you are in that line of work, you need never listen to a male about anything. Listen to a female that is going to guide you to demand respect and fairness, to establish boundaries and maintain them, and to care for yourself more than you ever care for man.
Men find women such as me very threatening because we encourage women to acknowledge their power and respond to men from that base of power. When men are weak and silly, they want you to be weak and silly too so that they have an advantage.
In my newest book “The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid” I discuss men with this clown’s attitude under the section “Woman Hating Misogynist.”
@AndreAlwaysVarsityEllis Gawd I so want a HATE IT button!
“no woman can help you on being a better PIMP. only another man can give you the correct advice on dating. in most cases women will actually tell you information that will harm your PIMPIN abilities.” Are you serious?! Is this a joke? If not, get therapy, pronto!
Erroneous information by this author. shes old and out of touch with the tinmes. Men are not self absorbed women are. What do men think about most of the day? we think about women. What do women think about most of the day? themselves hair, nails, shoes, places to eat. enough said. has my point been made?
Next she gives a typical female answer to a male question. what the guy really wanted to know is how to get more attention from women. she goes into this whole rant about how he expects women to drop what they are doing to pay attention to him when he shows up. typical exaggerated female response. all she had to say was you have to spark a womans interest show that you are into something she is interested in. Show your sense of style dress nice and be well groomed. smell good but not to strong with colon. smile make brief eye contact if she returns eye contact walk by say hi and smile a little. if u get positive feedback its ok to talk to her go for it. it helps to be in decent shape also women like men with nice bodies just like us men like women with nice bodies.
she had to give this whole beat a man down speech just to give lame advice. She dosnt know scratch.
@AndreAlwaysVarsityEllis you sound like a fool male that has been nignored. The advice given was exactly as it should be. The author wrote what ‘she’ wanted to write. If you don’t like it, go somewhere else and write your own advice. And males do expect that just because they want a woman, she is supposed to automatically want them back. No she doesn’t . Women don’t owe males the time of the day just because he wants her. And women have fare more important things to think about than hair, nails, shoes and places to eat. Obviously you show by these examples the types of women you are going after. Women who are intelligent, with careers and education are far more interested in other matters, like their 401K’s their mortgages, where they will take their next vacation, how they will invest their money. Obviously you don’t have what it take to date women like that who are way out of your league so I guess for you the Shaquisha’s of the world do think like that. But if you go after self absorbed women, then stop whining about it. And males are self absorbed. All they think about is getting they dycks wet and how they can make that happen and as quickly as possible with the least amount of effort on their part. Which is why you get mad when a woman you are interested in ignores you.
In my new book I talk about men like you – Type #23 The Bitch Made He-Motional He Bitch. You fit the type to a “T”. How in the world could a grown man that claims to be as educated and together as you have spend this much time whining on a website about what women you don’t even know think? So what they don’t agree with you? Are you kidding me? You
Men don’t think about women as people – what they care about, what makes them happy, what they dream of, their life goals, their pains. You are correct when you say that men think about women. The problem is WHAT men think about. Because the truth is that all men think about women is how to get pussy from them and make them do what you want them to do. You ain’t fooling nobody.
You are just like the guy I was writing about. You think that what you want from women should be important to them, as a complete stranger.The reality is nobody gives a shit what you want, what you think, or anything else until she knows that you are going to give her what she wants. If you are not prepared to present yourself as a man that is going to please her, she has no reason to even acknowledge your existence on the planet.
It does not seem to me that women’s skills at assessing a men are quite that evolved, judging by the kind of guys my female friends are dating and the men they are ignoring. It rather seems that those skills are stuck in times of a few thousand years ago and thus accordingly tend to favor Neanderthals.
What an intensely misandric post!
Great post! I am one of the women who ignore men I have no interest in, and I never cease to be amazed by the insane way SOME men behave when they are ignored by a stranger with a vagina. It’s unreal. Sometimes, I wonder if I’m on some sort of hidden camera “Punk’d” type tv show.
And that idiot who thinks women are “self-centered” for not feigning interest in strange men they’re not interested in… I guess it’s a good thing you can’t be arrested for being a fool.
It may not be self-centered to avoid someone you have no interest in, but it is self-centered to believe you can assess someone’s intelligence and worth by looking at them for three seconds. This article writer is a stuck up little bitch.
WTF are you talking about fool? Men do that shit to women all the time! You all only get upset when a woman does it BACK and removes your imagined power over her, her self image, and her life. Believe me, women are not really caring much what you men think, want, believe, like, don’t like, etc. You are not important to any woman until she decides that she wants you to be. That is the part you don’t get! You want all women to think you are a God. Well, a woman might not care if you are intelligent if you have a giant belly, are 5’2″ tall, bald, or have a mug only a mother could love.
Get over yourself! People assess others in 3 seconds all the time. Every young Black male walking down the street is “assessed for his intelligence” based on his attire or skin color. Women are “assessed for her intelligence” every time a man sees a short skirt or revealing clothing.
You so need to shut your pie hole.
An eye for an eye – I see. You are the female version of the guys you hate so much. Congratulations.
Thank you!
@DocSavage lol exactly thats the attitude a lot of black women are carrying these days. thats the reason most black women complain about not being able to find a man they are the problem. they are preventing good men from finding them.
dating for women isnt about how stuckup you can act because u got a big booty and a pretty face and a little waist and you think your a dime. most men are gonna see that attitude and say aye fu k ima just deal with her long enough to smash and dash
women do it to themsleves
Another section that you are described in my book “The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid” is the Bitch Made He-motional He Bitch”. Men that whine and cry about what women do. You posted like 17 posts under the thread Why Women Ignore Men. You want attention and acknowledgement more than anything, which is a bitch move. Sad but true because real men are not whining about what women want, they are too busy giving it to them so they can get a woman’s love and adoration and a wife.
The only Black women who “complain about not being able to find a man” have CHOSEN to exclusively date Black men. Therefore, in so far as that is true, you are right: “women do it to themselves”. BTW, it’s GOOD / DECENT men Black women complain about not being able to find. Anyone willing to settle can find a man, Black or otherwise. Men are everywhere! I met my fiance — a kind, successful White man who shares my values and middle class background — in the public library. Not a place you’d expect to meet the love of your life. @AndreAlwaysVarsityEllis
@AndreaLewis @AndreAlwaysVarsityEllis
“I met my fiance–a kind, successful white man who shares my values and middle class background–in the public library.”
Well see there you go, most black men can’t even read all that well and most don’t go to the public library. That is why they are whining and complaining. They are out there in the streets hollaring at women, or in the clubs trying to pick up women solely based on how she looks, and how much she turns them on. Those fools aren’t up in some library trying to improve themselves and read and educate and enlighten their minds.
Most don’t even have a library card. But they have the latest play station and Iphone and any other type of gadget. Males like that fool Andre all up and down this post whining before his dumb butt got banned are the main ones who think they are entitled to a woman because they think they are all of that.
Look at his picture. He can’t take rejection and is quick to put women down who don’t roll over and agree with him. The only women he can get are low self esteem desperate to have any type of male woman. (Those bottom of the barrel sisters. A woman who has it going on, wouldn’t give that fool the time of the day and he knows it.
@Razzy @AndreAlwaysVarsityEllis Funny you should mention his avatar pic. The first time I saw it, I thought “this guy looks like the African American version of White trash.” I have always wondered if guys who dress that way realize that is what they look like. It’s quite odd, to me, that he would choose to depict himself in such a manner online. It’s one thing to dress as though you live in a trailer park (and manufacture meth for a living) when you are in the privacy of your own home, or even just hanging around with similarly attired friends and relatives, but why publicize one’s bad taste/judgement to strangers when it’s just as easy to put on a shirt with sleeves? A smart, ambitious man ALWAYS puts his best foot forward. And if such a man is seeking the companionship of a woman, he is even more thorough in presenting himself well. I can only imagine what a male dressed like Andre… is seeking from life.
@AndreaLewis @AndreAlwaysVarsityEllis
Exactly! And just as we can look at AndreAlwaysVarsityEllis avatar picture and pretty much sum up what he is about, this is what the article is talking about. His comments coupled with his pic tells his story..He is an immature whiny idiot that got ignored and this article touched a nerve. He thinks he’s all that and acts entitled to a woman’s attention. (See that took 2 sec’s to type and figure out. Men aren’t complicated, most women (if she’s thinking straight can figure them out in no time).
It took me 5 secs to type this response: Michael sounds like a hemotional he-bitch mad because he must have gotten nignored by a woman who assessed him and found him lacking. lol
actually women are self centered in the sense that they think about themselves more often then men do. has nothing to do with fienning interest in strangers ur whatever the word was u said. 85 perecent of the time in relationships women think about their own satisfaction and happiness more than their partners. “When are you going to call me”? “You didnt call me im upset with you” “We dont spend enough time together” “you said you would take me here” “you said you would do this for me” sound familiar? thats the sound of a self centered woman in a relationship. ..
need i say more?
I like the post. If a girl ignores a man it is irrelevant. He will find his girl so it doesn’t matter about those that aren’t. You can’t put energy into trying to control someones preferences. If she ignores you and there was nothing wrong with your approach it doesn’t matter why she ignored you. That’s all her doing and her reasons are her business and are of no value to the man. It is a non issue.
Yes, that attitude makes sense to me. You can argue all day, if a woman’s judgments were accurate or not. If she is not interested, she’s not interested.
“Women will make eye contact with men they feel are on their level”
uh…. from the outside looking in, why does it seem that some women who seem to “have it together” (job, crib money, self-esteem, etc) go for the, thug, dude with a buncha kids or a x-box-playin momma’s boy?
Remember water seeks its own level. You, on the outside looking in, think that because a woman has a job some money and a car that she is an exceptional woman. However many females, deep down inside, are very insecure and suffer from extremely low self-esteem. Others don’t want a man that thinks he is so together that he can boss her around. So she goes for someone that meets her needs in a shallow way and doesn’t trip about what she isn’t getting. Not anything I recommend, but that is the reason.
women are not water and while your right about some women being insecure thats not the only reason why a woman with it all together would date a man that has nothing going for himself. if hes popular or has an articulant personality able to capture her attention and keep her entertained thats usually what woman go for.
especially black women.
most of the time black women are not comfortable with men that are on their level or higher because like u said they are insecure. thats the game killer for black women and the reason why most black women are not successful in longterm relationships.
You came on this blog and posted all up and down this blog whining like a hemotional hebeeyatch because you are one of the very men that have been nignored. This article obviously struck a nerve with you. And get real, that mess about black women not comfortable with men that re on their level or higher.. pluueeze, black women outnumber black men in college and careers. Most black men are either in prison, have menial jobs or hanging out on the street. Unfortunately there is a very small percentage of black men who are on the average educated successful black woman’s level and you are certainly not one of them. It’s the black man who is insecure with the black woman’s success because so few black man achieve any type of success. Get some hooked on phonics skills and learn how to spell while you are talking about black women being insecure. I had to try to figure out what the heck you were talking about because you spell like you’re in the 3rd grade. Dang.
I totally agree with your post. If I catch a guy looking at me that I have absolutely no interest in I’ll do whatever I can to make it seem like I’m preoccupied with something else whether I turn away or pull out my phone hoping that he’ll get the hint.
When I am interested in a guy, eye contact is usually my method of choice. I never approach men but I’ll steal a few glances in his direction and hope he gets the hint. Usually he does, if not I may walk by and smile, that gets them everytime.
the thing about it is that works both ways. iv ignored women interested in me the same way. the catch is once a man ignores a woman that is interested in her she reverts to the same behavior in an attempt to save face.
lol rejection is a bitch
@AndreAlwaysVarsityEllis Your dumb butt hasn’t ignored anybody. You would be glad a woman paid you any attention. That’s why you are all up and down this thread whining about this article. Once a male is rejected he reverts to your typical behavior. he goes on the internet and slams women because he can’t handle being ignored or rejection.
@AndreAlwaysVarsityEllis You are an idiot and you have been banned, begone fool.