Act Like a Lady: Great Dating Advice or Biggest Joke Steve Ever Told?

. 05/07/2012 . 2 Comments

On Friday. May 11th 2012 we’ll get together to discuss Steve Harvey’s dating advice guide for women “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man!” 

Is there any value at all in Steve Harvey’s dating advice guide for women? We say hell no! For the woman that wants to empower herself, make choices in her own best interest, and who refuses to live her life appeasing the male ego, this book is a no-no. But he knew who to market it to church going Black women that believe in male dominance and female submission… that believe in accepting male judgments about female sexuality and modifying their behavior accordingly to please men.

This book is an absolute horror, full of double messages, female blaming for male behavior, and negativity about women. So why did so many black women run out and buy it, believe what a comedian said as if it were the gospel truth from the lips of Moses himself, and carry his book around like it was the guidebook to life?

Don’t black women understand that the joke is on them and Steve is laughing all the way to the bank?
Join us for an interesting dissection of Steve Harvey’s book “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man” analyzed in a way you have never heard before.

Click the graphic below to participate in the live broadcast “How Steve Harvey’s Act Like a Lady Fails Black Women”, or to listen the podcast if you missed the show.


Deborrah Cooper advice columnist discusses Act LIke a Lady Think Like a Man

Click graphic to be taken directly to the live show or to download the previously recorded podcast if you missed it.

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