Rebuttal to 10 Lies Women Tell Men

. 03/20/2011 . 55 Comments

I ran across an article called 10 lies women tell men written by this guy Anslem Samuel.  He claims women are lying in the 10 statements they  make to men below.  He has a blog called Naked With Socks On.  Here is my rebuttal to his outrageous claims.

1.  “I haven’t had sex in a while, but not by choice.”

This would mean some knucklehead guy is asking a woman about her past sexual history something that is not his business in the first place. If a fool is stupid enough to ask a woman about her vjay when he wasn’t even involved in it, he deserves to be told whatever she chooses to tell him. Question,” Have you had sex before’? Answer: No I’m a virgin dummy!

2. “I’m looking for a good man.”

All women want a man who will treat them right and make them happy. The problem is men who front and pretend to be good guys who later down the line reveal themselves to be anything but. Then the so called good guys who stand on the side line hoping a woman will notice he is good without him doing anything to show that he is. Yet they want to sit in judgment of other men. No woman willfully dates a fool, but fools often come in sheeps clothing. Stop the madness! Rather than berating a woman for falling for the guy who presents himself as other than what he really is, why not tell men, to be real and stop fronting.

3. “I don’t know why I’m single.”

Sometimes women are single because they choose to be and there isn’t anything wrong with that. Men somehow think that a woman who is single automatically has issues. Men also think they are the prizes to be won with no issues. Women should stop valuing themselves based on what some guy thinks.

4. “I look good for my age.”

Again men value and judge women for superficial reasons based on outward appearances. If men showed that they appreciate a woman for who she is rather than her age, and looks, then women would not feel the need to lie about it. But men set up the dating scene where they all want the hot 25 year old woman. Therefore a 35 year old woman feels pressured that she isn’t attractive enough or she’s too old. Men set this up so stop whining when women tell you what you want to hear.

5. “I’m over my ex.”

If there is ever a gender who carries emotional sexual baggage into a new situation it is men. They constantly compare the new woman to the ex in looks and sexual prowess. My ex gf used to look like xyz, do xyz. And you go from woman to woman based on what your previous ex did/looked like and how she screwed you. No new woman starts with a clean slate with men.Do men believe the lies women tell them?

6.  “Size matters.”

Yes it does matter, no woman wants a man who isn’t at least average and who is narrow and more importantly who can’t screw worth a darn. A man with less than an average sized organ is too small and any woman who tells you differently is just saving your feelings guys. He doesn’t have to be hung like John Holmes but no woman wants a Pee Wee Herman either.

7.  “I’ll be ready in a minute.”

To avoid this men, here’s a little tip give the woman extra time. If you’re going somewhere that starts at 8 pm say it starts at 7 pm. This can be annoying, I hate waiting. I hate lateness. I’ve experienced dudes being late. If I say 8, they arrive at 8:15 or 8:30 and that’s the first and last date they get as my time is too valuable to waste with someone who can’t tell time. I’ve been known to leave the dude in the lurch if he shows up at 8:30, I’ve already gone and made other plans.

8.  “I have nothing to wear.”

Quit your whining already and be glad that a woman cares enough about going out with you that she takes pains with her appearance. If she didn’t you’d be whining that she didn’t look good enough. Get over it already!

9.  “You know I don’t normally do this sort of thing.”

Everything we’ve ever done was done the first time at some point.  Why are Black men so insecure about women they can’t believe she is that into him?  Why is it men have double standards when it comes to female sexuality? The whole madonna/whore complex. Men should appreciate a woman who knows what she likes and have confidence in bed. Black men always whine. If she is a frigid virgin, you complain that the sex is too weak. If she has sexual skills, you worry that she knows too much. Either way it’s your problem based on your own sexual insecurities and your fear of being able to satisfy her sexually.

10.  “We can have sex with no strings attached.”

I tell women if they want a FWB situation make sure it is with a dude who they know they don’t want to marry, who they aren’t that attracted to, but a dude who is an eager little puppy who would do anything just to be in their company and bend themselves into a pretzel to have that woman. That way the woman can walk away from the situation with her feelings intact. Who cares if the dude’s feelings are hurt so long as he knew going in, it was just about sex? Women should never have FWB situations with a dude they really like and could have feelings for. Have it with what I call disposable dudes (all they’re good for is boning and that’s it)…nobody you’d take anywhere.

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Music lover living on the East Coast that enjoys spending time with close friends, reading and writing.

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