She’s Hot, You’re Not – How To Get Her to Like You Anyway

. 12/04/2011 . 0 Comments

Positive Behaviors to Focus On

Over the past 15 years I’ve talked and interacted with thousands of women around the world about men and their dating or long-term relationships. And there are seven key behaviors that women have repeatedly requested or “wished” men would demonstrate.

  1. From the most beautiful creature to the most plain, from the pre-teen to the senior citizen, you must take care to treat all women with kindness and courtesy. Women closely observe how a man interacts with and treats other women, especially those in his family and those he has no sexual interest in. You can get big points or knock yourself out of the running quickly by ignoring this top guideline.

  2. Truly listen to what she says and openly share information about yourself. Women develop emotional closeness with those they have rapport with; rapport is built through frequent exchanges of conversation. Show an interest in what she says, where she goes, her dreams and aspirations, and the stories she shares about her friends and family. Remember her favorite color, flower and the name of her dog. Tell her your stories and let her into your life.
  3. Be a man of your word. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Responsibly follow through on things you promise to do. Broken promises cause sadness and disappointment. And a woman that feels sad and disappointed in you is not likely to want to put herself in the position of needing a man that is flakey and undependable.
  4. Engage her mentally. Even if you are shy and have to memorize stories you read on the Internet, surveys, study results that relate somehow to her lifestyle or interests, or your thoughts on politics and stories in the news, strive to have something interesting to talk about. If you can be witty and make her laugh, that’s icing on the cake! Women love to be around men that can find the humor in life’s many situations and lift her spirits when she’s down.
  5. Demonstrate confident decisiveness. Nothing turns a woman off more than a man who is weak, needy or fearful. Always stand up for yourself and command respect. Have a plan for your life and for any date you take her on. A woman cannot fall in love with a man she does not respect.
  6. Many men don’t know when to stop joking and playing around, and come across as an unintelligent and immature. Making jokes about her weight, age, figure, or thick ankles are definitely in that category. Giving some off the cuff answer when she asks you a serious question is a mind-game that no one will appreciate. There is a time to joke around and a time to be serious; and there is a time to just listen and let her vent, and a time to offer suggestions and your help. Stop for a minute and consider her feelings before you do or say anything you’ll later regret.

When a woman wants a man to love, she picks him with an eye to the future. A stellar reputation as a fun loving guy who is a gentleman to all women and a man of his word will have women talking about you in positive ways. Such respect and admiration will bring you dozens of opportunities to meet and interact with attractive single women, one of whom just might be your Ms. Right!


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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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