Are Women the New Men?

. 02/16/2011 . 57 Comments

1   asking men out

2  wanting more sex than men do

3  making more money than men

4  holding down two jobs while the man sits at home

5  buying the men gifts and trinkets while he gets her nothing

7  paying HIS bills

8   Helping him to reach HIS career goals while he resents you reaching yours

9  Helping him obtain the basics in life to get him started and make him productive

So what makes a man a man these days, if women are doing all the things we traditionally view as male roles?  Are women the new men?

As I reflect on the events of Mary Harvey and countless other women who have put themselves over and beyond for the sake up helping their men to ‘get ahead’ in life and reach ‘his’ career goal, often to the detriment of their own self gain, it seems this type of thinking where women feel they are ‘supposed to ‘help a man out’ in order for a man to achieve ‘his dream’ is the norm.

Women feel that they are responsible for him achieving essential basics of manhood, which could mean anything from viable employment  to reaching his dream career goals and whatever else that he needs to make him able to support a family and be a husband.  This sadly points to the type of ‘men’ out there and how women have become the ‘new man’ doing all these things to ‘help a man out’. If the woman is taking on the man’s role to ‘help him out’, then what role does the man have in terms of relationships?

I’ve seen countless women give up their livelihood all for the sake of investing in the ‘unproven’ potential of a man,  only to have that man forget about supporting that woman in her dreams and career goals.  If anything, once the man has achieved his career goals he often kicks the very woman who helped him to achieve his success to the curb while he goes and grabs the woman who he feels is becoming to his new station.

women in charge and running things are women the new men

I was raised to believe that if I have a penny, always go for the man who has at ‘least’ 2 pennies’. But women nowadays feel that if they have a penny, and they see a man without a penny, they are supposed to ‘help’ him get a penny and hope that once they have ‘helped him obtain’ that penny, he’ll join with them and they’ll have combined pennies. Sadly often this isn’t the case. The ‘penny’ represents the basics’ we should all have achieved in order to be considered responsible viable adults; the proverbial ‘penny‘ represents rites of passage so to speak.

It used to be if a man wanted to get his first car, he’d work for it. Now he’ll go ask to borrow some money from family members, girlfriends, and working to achieve his goal himself is his last option instead of his first…. too sad. Men even whine about stepping up to ask a woman out on a date, as if that is not his job if he is interested in a woman.  He can’t take the ‘risk’ of rejection and will come up with a number of excuses to justify cowardly, non-masculine behavior in the dating world.

Men will even blame ‘feminism’ for their unwillingness to step up and be a man and pursue the woman they want, when in reality, men are just too scared and too lazy.

(continued on page 2 below)

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Music lover living on the East Coast that enjoys spending time with close friends, reading and writing.

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