Are Women the New Men?

. 02/16/2011 . 57 Comments

Once the man does acquire a woman, nowadays men will often lay up in their girlfriends homes and receive all the benefits of a husband without any of the legal obligations of actually being a husband.  Rarely will they attempt to invest in a place for them to live together or take the relationship to the next level.  Often the girlfriend is supporting him while he is ‘in between jobs’ or going to community college.  Men these days take the path of least resistance and instead of rolling up their sleeves to make it happen for themselves they look to their women to support them as they think about attempting to achieve a goal. Meanwhile, they are steadily draining her resources dry.

Women have always been socialized by a patriarchal society to put men before them and to do for them at the expense of their own self gain. It’s all Jedi-mind tricks aimed at keeping a woman down and obligated while raising up a man. Hence you have women like Mary Harvey who sacrificed herself to help her ex husband Steve to come up, only to get her reward in getting kicked to the curb.

Steve of course accepted it all as his due. Most of these women tend to be low self esteem pious women who are religious and subservient. They’ve been indoctrinated in that religious mindset that women are supposed to be ‘helpmeets’ to men and that they owe it to their man to ‘help‘ him be all that he can be.  Sadly  these same women never question why this thinking is not reciprocal nor applied equitably when it comes to HER needing a ‘helpmeet’. Some of these women are so desperate to have a man that they feel ‘helping a man out’ is their payment rendered with the ‘man’ as the product they are ‘leasing to have’.  (But can never really afford).

Women have been trained to ‘invest’ in a man in the hopes of getting a ‘return’ on the investment of him taking care of her and their family.  However all too often what we see is that man begins to resent her investment in him.  He begins to feel that she has the ‘upper hand on him’ because in his mind, the woman who has helped him never sees him as he is ‘today’ successful and doing well,  all she sees is the man before he was successful.  However that is the ‘man’s problem with his own self-esteem and insecurities that he allows to play out on the woman who helped him to achieve.  Sadly he ends up biting the hand that fed him because of his ‘issues’.

This brings to mind a ‘Debsterism’. ”

“My father told me when I was merely 11 years old to NEVER do anything to help a man come up. He said that when the man does come up he will resent you and leave you because the fact that you helped him be successful reminds him that he is nothing without you. He will leave you and get a new woman so he can feel like the big shit. I will never forget that lesson.”

Still there are some man, albeit they are few and far between who actually get it right.  However I believe most of those men are from a previous generation.  Mind you, there have always been lazy men who looked to women to take care of them, but a generation ago, those men were frowned upon by society as a whole.  They were told off by other men and shamed into getting their act together and stepping up and becoming a man.  Nowadays, society seems to accept that it’s ok for women to coddle and take care of grown azz men just like they would their children.

(continued on page 3 below)

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Music lover living on the East Coast that enjoys spending time with close friends, reading and writing.

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