Are Women the New Men?

. 02/16/2011 . 57 Comments

But I take heart in my sister’s story a generation ago.  My older sister met her future husband, a man of the 80’s. At the time she knew him, he had a knock about job working in the hospital and no goals. He saw my sister and made up his mind without even saying anything to her, that she was who he wanted. My sister and his sister were both friends, and taking classes together in college. When his sister brought my sister home to study with her one day my future brother in law saw her and wanted her, but for the first time, he realized he wasn’t up to par.

He didn’t go to her to ask her to ‘help him out a little bit’ so he could get started in life.   He started putting things in place on his own to get himself ‘worthy’ to be with my sister. He saw her as a lady of quality and he realized that he wasn’t qualified’.  So he did what it took, never asking her for anything. They eventually got married when he felt that he was in a position to provide for a wife and are still married today with two beautiful daughters, a home and doing quite well for themselves. He has always been the provider in that family. Always been the man where it counted. Always made sure his family were and still are, well taken care of. When my sister was pregnant, she didn’t have to work.

It seems women feel that in order for a man to accomplish something, if he can’t do it on his own, he has to be ‘helped out a little bit’.   They seem to forget the old adage, ‘Feed a man a fish, you feed him forever, ‘teach a man to fish, and he can feed himself’. Women who are quick to ‘help a man out’ are not helping that man at all, what they are doing is enabling; especially if that man hasn’t tried to help himself and his idea of helping himself is to ‘ask someone else to ‘help him out’.

A man who can’t even obtain the basic necessities, food, clothing, shelter, a job, education on his own, is not a man worthy to be someone’s boyfriend/fiancé /husband nor father.   Do men today have no gumption to make things happen for themselves?  Do they lack the drive and perseverance to set long term goals and stick to them and see things through in order to get themselves set to live?  I see more women doing these things on their own all of the time.

So are women now the new men?  What are the men’s roles today when it comes to relationships and women and family?  They can’t say provider if they require ‘a little help’ from a woman to even get them started in obtaining the basic necessities in life and they show that they lack the ability and life skills to do this on their own.

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Music lover living on the East Coast that enjoys spending time with close friends, reading and writing.

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