Creflo Dollar Black Women Black Church Normalized Abuse and Violence

. 06/10/2012 . 40 Comments


Black Women Have Normalized Physical and Emotional Abuse; Support Creflo Dollar’s Attack on his Daughter

Since the news broke on Friday that “Mega-church” pastor Creflo A. Dollar was arrested for assaulting his 15-year-old daughter, the rationalizations from his largely female supporters range from disgusted to the blind faith of black women and men who find ways to justify a 50 year old adult male who represents himself as a man of God tackling his daughter to the ground, slapping her, choking her, and beating her with his shoe.

Somewhere in the middle are those who support corporal punishment in the home in theory and admit to having spanked their own children at one time or another. There are those of us that can recall being spanked during childhood for misdeeds that we KNEW were wrong when we were doing them and had no problem with the punishment we knew was coming!

But when does a parent meting out just punishment cross the line and become terrorizing, physically abusing and degrading a child? How can anyone believe such treatment of a child in a case such as this is with Creflo Dollar an appropriate form of discipline?

We believe it lies in the mindset that black people have about three things:

(1) That men of God like Creflo Dollar are anointed and can do no wrong;

(2) That when a man hits or hurts a female, somehow she deserved it and she ‘made him’ do it; and

(3) That violence in the black community by men towards women and children is so normalized, such an everyday occurrence that black women don’t even question it.

Why is such violence towards women normalized in the black community? Why are black women prone to justify physical and even sexual assaults on children by grown men, and to protect and make excuses for anything vile or violent done by a pastor, especially one as renown as Creflo Dollar?

These are the types of things discussed in detail in Deborrah Cooper’s new book The Black Church – Where Women Pray and Men Prey. We’ll discuss the timeliness of this just released book, Creflo Dollar, and how black women have normalized abuse of females in the name of love and God.

Call 347-327-9215 to participate in the discussion.


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The exciting new book The Black Church – Where Women Pray and Men Prey contains dozens of real-life stories of sexual abuse by Pastors, Ministers, Bishops, and church members, along with astute observations about the games being run on women in Black churches across the nation. Based on the shocking 2010 blog post The Black Church: How Black Churches Keep African American Women Single and Lonely! author Deborrah Cooper continues an uncomfortable examination of Christian religion in the black community, non-biblical Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.tenets of the prosperity gospel, and the games played by unscrupulous black preachers. It’s a page turner, but not everyone will have the stomach for it. Some women are afraid of what they might find when they pull back the curtain, and aren’t willing to question their blind faith in the men of their church. Neither are some able to understand that they must stop worshiping their pastors because these men are NOT God. However, for those women brave enough to question their religious leaders, willing to take a look at what is going on at their churches, and strong enough to demand protection from predatory men for women and children within the walls of the House of God, this book is right on time.

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