Sucka Free Love! Now available as an EBook on Smashwords

. 03/10/2012 . 0 Comments

Advice columnist Deborrah Cooper’s award winning dating guide Sucka Free Love! How to Avoid Dating The Dumb, The Deceitful, The Dastardly, The Dysfunctional & The Deranged is now available as a downloadable Ebook in several formats.  Read it immediately, right on your laptop, Kindle, Nook, tablet, Iphone or Android phone, and laugh while you travel.

This hilariously funny guide to smarter dating addresses hundreds of both crazy and very common dating dilemmas experienced by modern singles. Here are a few examples of the valuable information and tips for better romance you’ll receive within the pages of Sucka Free Love!

Chapter 1: Which Came First…The Chicken Head or the Egg?

  • I’ve had an off-again, on-again thing with a beautiful woman for the past four years. She will ask me to drive 30 miles to take her to the store and when we get back to her house she says she is sleepy, and sends me home. The only sex we have ever had is me performing oral on her, at which point there is always an excuse to stop before it goes any further..
  • I’m a single white male, and I prefer interracial relationships.  I am especially attracted to African-American females. However, I can’t seem to find any fine-looking, single Black women without children. No matter where I’ve looked, I just can’t seem to find that special woman…
  • I’ve been involved with a man for approximately two months. He did everything right in the beginning, and was a perfect gentleman… sending flowers, giving gifts and calling frequently. He says he loves me and intends to marry me. Yet he is very mysterious…

Chapter 2: I Hate Myself, But I Love You

  • I’m involved in a relationship where I love this man very much, but he has a drug problem. I haven’t been with him for very long. I’m scared to let him go because I haven’t been in a relationship for four years. Thinking about those long lonely years of having no one to hold me scares me. I just can’t go through that again, considering the fact that I’m overweight and not very attractive at all…
  • I recently met a man I had been talking to online for two years.  My question is “How long do you feel you need to know someone before you fall in love?”…
  • My boyfriend likes to put me in all kinds of uncomfortable positions during sex. He pushes my leg back so far it hurts. When I tell him he’s hurting me, he tells me I’m getting old. He also doesn’t stay in one position for more than a minute…

Kam Williams Review of Sucka Free Love Chapter 5:  Drama Here, Drama There, Stupid Drama Everywhere

  • My best friend is an ill mannered slob, and it’s embarrassing to be in public with her. She always likes to go out to dinner or breakfast and to buffets especially. Problem is not that she’s overweight because I’m no lightweight myself, BUT she will go back between three to FIVE times (no small helpings either) just because it is an “all you can eat” establishment! UGH!!…
  • Am I supposed to love my girlfriend at all times? I mean seriously, there are days she just drives me nuts. How on earth should I react then? Oh yeah, today is one of those days… I can’t listen to a word she says without her getting on my nerves…
  • I am in love with a beautiful single Mom who has a four year old son. This boy runs all over her! He will not listen; he talks back, threatens to kick and punch her, and basically does whatever he wants to do. He runs her household. His behavior is much worse than any other 4 year old I’ve ever been around…

Chapter 6: The What the Fuck? Files

  • I know it’s not healthy, but I want to be bulimic. I’m not fat and most people think I’m really pretty, but I think I could be much prettier if I just took off a little bit, especially in my thighs…
  • I just started making love with my new girlfriend. My Johnson is 7½” long, and I have always been proud of this. When I was married I measured it in front of my wife so she would know how long it was. Later she said that was tacky…
  • He was accused of molesting a young girl, though he claimed the charges were a lie and he didn’t do it. We broke up over that, but got together again a few months later. Then he tried to molest my child!…

You can read the full story on these and many other wildly funny (and often disturbing) dating dilemmas by downloading your copy of Sucka Free Love today.


Click here to order Sucka Free Love as a downloadable Ebook


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