
Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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Deborrah's Latest Posts

What do I do when he won’t take no for an answer?

. 11/24/2016 . 1 Comment

Young woman experiences harassment from a guy she has no interest in dating, and asks what to do when a man won’t take no for an answer.

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First Hand Accounts of Female Slaves

. 11/06/2016 . 0 Comments

Learn the history of black female slaves reading this informative book on the tragic realities of life as a female slave in Far More Terrible For Women.

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What Makes a Man Afraid of Commitment?

. 11/06/2016 . 4 Comments

There is nothing wrong with saying you are afraid of something! Fear is a normal human emotion just like being angry, being sad, being happy. But the bottom line is women are AFRAID of being abandoned and behave accordingly, and men are AFRAID of commitment and losing options, and they behave accordingly as well. Each gender finds reasons to justify their behaviors and reasons for running away from commitment.

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Manhood is Not Automatic: What Makes a Male a Man?

. 11/01/2016 . 2 Comments

What is manhood? What do women really need to see to know that a male has the qualities and attitude necessary and is worthy of being bestowed the title “man?”

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When abortion is the smartest choice for all concerned

. 10/30/2016 . 0 Comments

Involving innocent children in adult silliness can have catastrophic effects on a child’s life. Sometimes abortion is the smartest choice for all concerned.

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Single Women – Get Up on Game for Smarter Dating

. 09/10/2016 . 0 Comments

A series of videos which examine the games black men run on single women and girls to get you to stay with them hoping for more, giving to them in a vacuum, focusing on them in a one-sided relationship, and worrying about keeping THEM happy while they do little to nothing in return for you. You deserve to have a loving union which is fulfilling and supportive…not some one-sided pimp player crap masquerading as “a relationship” that leaves you feeling empty and depleted.

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The Dirty Dozen – My Top 12 Dating Pet Peeves

. 08/18/2016 . 1 Comment

I loved the fantastic war movie The Dirty Dozen. If you haven’t seen it before, try getting it for your next Blockbuster night. Exciting action drama, espionage, comedy, lots of stuff blowing up, sex, death, hope and redemption – it’s all there! But just like in dating, the story SOUNDS like an exciting adventure, so you sign on for the mission. It’s only after you get started on the journey that you find out that it is gonna be hard to make it out alive without losing a limb, or getting ventilated with bullet holes. What follows is my top 12 pet peeves, which I have affectionately dubbed The Dirty Dozen Dating Pet Peeves!

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When Black Men Bring Up Butthurt and Bitches from the Past

. 07/29/2016 . 0 Comments

His goal? To control your behavior towards him, and manipulate you with jealousy into bending over backwards and jumping through hoops to prove that you aren’t like those other bitches who hurt him. He has set you up to be in competition with his past, so you (unaware of the game) commence to doing too much to prove that you’re better, more down, a serious ride or die chick that knows how to treat a man!

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What it Means When a Single Black Man Says I’m Not Ready

. 07/22/2016 . 0 Comments

If you want marriage and children, does it make sense to wait around for years and years, investing more time and energy into a man who has already told you that he is not ready for all that and doesn’t know when he will be? Advice columnist, social researcher and dating expert Deborrah Cooper discusses the frustrating but extremely common issue of the man who gives mixed messages by saying one thing and doing another.

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Manipulative Shit Black Men Say to Make Black Women Jump Through Hoops

. 07/22/2016 . 0 Comments

Smooth talk works because black women tend to be very auditory. My hope is that after listening to this series, single black women can quickly identify the sincere guy from the gaming bullshit artist, enabling you to choose wisely to spend your time ONLY with the man who is on the same page in the same book of life that you are.

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Why Black Women Need to Boycott MAC Cosmetics

. 02/27/2016 . 1 Comment

It’s time for black women to get in those corporate pockets. My suggestions: Return shit you bought from MAC Cosmetics. Get your money back because it made you itch. Get your money back because it broke you out. Get your money back because the smell makes you nauseous. Get your money back because you developed a lump on your lip. Make Mac Cosmetics pay for choosing a confused male in a dress over the actual women who made the company what it is today.

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Internet Stalking – When Niqqas Stalk to Insult and Demean

. 02/20/2016 . 0 Comments

A person who calls himself a man, yet goes from site to site focused on ONE WOMAN HE DOESN’T KNOW is nothing but an internet stalker. He wants your attention but knows you wouldn’t give him the time of day even if he were the last man on earth. So he comes out the gate like a little boy calling names and hurling what he thinks are insults.

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