Dreams of Falling, Fear and Landing on Your Feet
As a child I often had dreams of falling. The dreams were quite frightening, and I would wake up crying several times per week. My fears were made worst when my grandmother told me that if I were dreaming about falling, I would die if I hit the ground. I remember thinking how odd, how will I know I am dead if I am still dreaming about being alive? It was all very confusing, but scary at the same time.
However, right around my 11th birthday I had yet another falling dream and decided to let myself hit the ground to see what would happen.
I remember falling through a dark space, feeling the wind blow against my skin, my clothing billowing out, the whizzing sound in my ear. (My dreams are like movies with sound and color and everything!) Faster and faster I was falling from a great distance but I don’t recall a starting point. I remember being nervous in the dream, but determined to see it through to the end.
Amazingly, just as I was about to hit the dirt, I abruptly stopped falling. I was shocked, because I expected to feel and hear a satisfying “splat.” Instead I just righted myself and put my feet on the ground. Standing there I remarked how my grandmother was wrong, that I’d survived just fine, and there was no need to be afraid of falling ever again. In my dream I ran off laughing. My dream continued.
When I woke up that morning, I realized that something important had happened the night before.
That was the moment I realized the power I had to control my mind and the outcome of my life. I would never again allow anyone to define for me the size of my dreams, the path of my dreams, or the realization of those dreams. At the age of 11 the path of my life had been set. That one moment, that one decision to take a risk and see what would happen enabled me to see the world and everyone in it differently.
The night I let myself hit the ground is the night I’d taken control of my subconscious mind and made it do my bidding, not the other way around.
So if I could figure this out by 11, why are there adult men and women that are still afraid to test the boundaries of their imaginations, to trust themselves, to climb as high as they can unafraid of falling? Why are there adults still afraid to see if they can lose their footing but hit the ground running?
Don’t let that person be you. Live your life to the best of your ability and always go the distance. Don’t sell yourself short or settle for less. Fall! You can get back up just fine.
Welcome in 2012 with a new attitude of courageousness and a strengthened belief in yourself. No one and nothing holds you back but your fear.
Category: Society and Culture
Excellent Post!