Lessons for the Fellas

. 08/22/2013 . 1 Comment

School time for the fellas:Dell.N.Headshot

#1. STOP. STOP, STOP…and STOP!! If you’re over 25, you have NO business being on a constant hunt for new pussy. If you haven’t “whored” by 25, you don’t DESERVE to be a whore after.

#2. STOP LYING!!! Yes, I KNOW that women outnumber us and that there is an inexhaustible amount of pussy to be had—but every time you lie and do a female dirty you mess things up for the rest of us. It’s more work trying to fix your fuck-ups. More-so, karma is REAL–the more damage you do, the more crap you’re going to have to deal with later on, so do yourself a favor, you selfish piece of shit.

#3. STOP LYING!!! You don’t need to lie to her and make her believe that you want to be with her when you don’t. There are SOOOO many females who want to just hump-n-run like you do, so STOP LYING to the ones who want something more substantial!

#4…So, the gist of the message to the fellas is to STOP LYING. You’re fucking up trust and in doing so, you’re fucking up the natural balance of things. Of course, the KEY to not lying is to be HONEST. But, you have to be honest with yourself first. KNOW that you’re a whore. KNOW that you have ZERO value in a committed relationship. KNOW that you are going to try to fuck anything that moves. It’s OKAY!! Just keep it real with yourself and, more importantly, with females!

#5. I know that life throws you curveballs…but BEFORE you decide to not be a parent to your children, RECOGNIZE that it was YOU who approached her, YOU who didn’t use protection, and YOU who came inside of her. Whatever else happens/happened after that, was a result of YOUR participation, and so YOU have to make it right. The kid(s) had NOTHING to do with your DUMB-ASS getting someone pregnant. Even if she poked a hole in the condom, it’s YOUR FAULT for not having your own!! Take some responsibility, and EAT SHIT if you have to, but don’t let the kid go around thinking males are or should be like you-a fucking deadbeat!! Again, this isn’t about “you” and your selfish ass…this is about the child. I don’t care if you have to live in misery for 18 years–that child DESERVES to see “togetherness”, if not pure “happiness”. Don’t deprive the child of that. Especially when the child did NOT ask to be here. Lastly—how would YOU feel if you were shuffled around every other weekend?? Really THINK about that!!

#6. GROW THE FUCK UP. I can’t say it any other way because this pisses me off. TAKE CARE of your moms – she shouldn’t be taking care of you after 25 (and 25 is a STRETCH). Don’t you realize that you treat women the way you treat your mother?? If you use and abuse her, you’re just going to use and abuse females in general. Are you okay with this existence? If so, die now–I mean that with every fiber of my being.

#7. BE A MAN!! Oh, you don’t know how? Watch James Evans from “Good Times”. Ask me about my dad if you have to. Better yet, ask ANY dude who has been married for over 10 years. You know the MOST IMPORTANT lesson about being a MAN?? SACRIFICE!!! Yes, you need to sacrifice pleasures for the sake of your woman/family. If you can GRASP this simple concept, you’re off to a good start.

#8. BROTHERHOOD. Yes, you cry out, “Bros before Ho’s”…well, DO your “BROS” a damned favor and stop making life more difficult for us by being a piece of shit to every woman that you interact with. If you cannot do this…DIE. Die now and die horribly. Humanity does not need you.


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Category: Men's Issues

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