Tag: Act Like a Lady Think LIke a Man

Female Submission + Patriarchy = Stupidity

. 05/26/2012 . 31 Comments

Why do black men think they should have a traditional wife in treatment, but who works and signs prenups like a non-submissive wife? Are black men stupid enough to think they can get submission and everything else from women without giving anything in return? Yes! And lots of dumb women are willing to give it to them!

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Columnist Deborrah Cooper Slams Steve Harvey and Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man

. 05/15/2012 . 13 Comments

Podcast by columnist Deborrah Cooper which explains why Steve Harvey and his book Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man are a waste of time for a woman seeking a loving relationship based on mutual love and support.

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Act Like a Lady: Great Dating Advice or Biggest Joke Steve Ever Told?

. 05/07/2012 . 2 Comments

Don’t black women understand that the joke is on them and Steve Harvey is laughing all the way to the bank? Join us for an interesting dissection of Steve’s dating advice book “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man” analyzed in a way you have never heard before!

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