Tag: demanding black men
Black Women – Stop Nurturing Grown Ass Men
Black women think it is their job to provide nurturing to grown men in relationships; however I believe such behavior is contributing to the growing number of immature adult babies masquerading as men that fill the Black community and prisons.
Day 9 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Parasites Moving In With a Girlfriend
DBR black men love the idea of moving in with a girlfriend. They want to come move in and roost in your hen house and see nothing wrong with enjoying the fruits of your labors while they sleep under a roof they haven’t provided, eating up food they haven’t provided, and running electricity to watch television and play video games when they haven’t provided any of those things either!
Day 6 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Entitlement Issues and Black Men
Violence by bitter beta DBR black men who claim to be “nice guys” or “good black men” discussed. How a sense of entitlement will cause them to verbally abuse women who reject them with profanity, and physically abuse women with flying fists or objects.
Exposing Black Male Privilege
I’ve repeatedly heard Black men express the belief that they are victims of a matriarchial society, that they are denied rights and privileges and the opportunity to “be a man” by “strong Black women.” I’ve heard grown men whine that women need to be responsible for men’s attire (sagging pants), teen pregnancy amonst 11, 12, 13 year old girls (who are actually victimis of child molesters, not willing adults making a choice for sex), and assign to women the responsibility for changing the Black community. With women being blamed for all that, what the hell is it that Black men are going to get off their asses and do?
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