Tag: Creflo Dollar

Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child – Neither Biblical nor Proper Parenting

. 09/30/2012 . 4 Comments

Around the nation black women ran to the defense of Creflo Dollar, saying he was justified in assaulting his daughter. After all, the bible instructs parents never to “spare the rod and spoil the child!” so there was no crime. In reality that phrase is nowhere in the bible.

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Creflo Dollar Black Women Black Church Normalized Abuse and Violence

. 06/10/2012 . 40 Comments

When does a parent meting out just punishment cross the line and become terrorizing, physically abusing and degrading a child? How can anyone believe such treatment of a child in a case such as this is with Creflo Dollar an appropriate form of discipline?

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Breaking Down The Pimp Game of Prosperity Gospel

. 08/20/2010 . 23 Comments

Some say a church begins when a group of Believers get together for prayer and to praise Jesus Christ. If you believe that, I have a great deal on a bridge I’d like to tell you about…

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