Tag: dating black men

Day 20 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Murdering Black Women for Shits and Giggles

. 12/06/2013 . 19 Comments

Why do black men feel it is okay to kill a woman because they feel rejected, are angry, depressed, feel hopeless, etc.? What is the motivating factor behind such a mentality towards the very women they claim to love? Why is the black community filled with so many immature men incapable of handling their feelings in some sort of sane manner?

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Black Men, Low Expectations and Embracing Mediocrity

. 11/24/2013 . 20 Comments

Young black men are in a crisis and falling behind educationally, economically, emotionally and socially. Why are their expectations for themselves so low? Why is there such a willingness to settle for mediocrity instead of striving to achieve greatness head and shoulders above the crowd?

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Should Black Women Feel Sorry for Kris Humphries? Hell to the Naw!

. 11/02/2011 . 3 Comments

Noting the double standard in which allows Black men to judge the sexual behaviors and number of partners of Black women harshly, while completely ignoring the sexual past of White women. What’s that all about?

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