Uh oh! I think my roommate is trying to put the moves on me

. 02/07/2012 . 0 Comments

Dear Ms. HeartBeat:
My room mate keeps complaining about the size of his penis. I once told him that I’m satisfied with my size. Ever since, he kept telling me that he wants to see mine fully hard to compare.

Why is he doing that? I know he’s not gay because we’ve been sharing the apartment for years (and he got twice the number of girls I got so far), but I don’t really feel comfortable showing my hard-on to a guy!  Not even a close friend! What do you think?

Don’t Go There

Dear Don’t Go There:
Jeezus he is SUPER GAY! What normal man wants to put his hard penis up next to some other guy’s penis to see whose is larger? I can tell you who… SOMEONE THAT IS SUPER GAY!

Don’t be fooled by the number of women that he has sex with – that means nothing. Have you ever heard of a “beard?” A “beard” is a slang reference to a woman a homosexual man dates or marries when he is not ready to announce his sexual choices. Usually, there is some risk with coming out of the closet – either socially, professionally or familial, so he hides who and what he is.  Some of the biggest players of women are the most gay; they just can’t (won’t) admit it to themselves or their buddies, so they hide their sexuality behind a facade of female conquests.

Your friend may not have come out and SAID anything, but his actions are saying all I need to hear. Dude has some very real gay tendencies and interests, at least where it comes to you.


Dating expert and advice columnist since 1993, writing as Ms. HeartBeat. Author of the hilarious street smart dating guide "Sucka Free Love - How to Avoid Dating The Dumb, The Deceitful, The Dastardly, The Dysfunctional & The Deranged."

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