Women and Motherhood – Blessing or Curse?
Tonight’s show is about women and motherhood – why people in this country are so worried about what comes out of women’s wombs, and judging women harshly if they decide to remain single and child free. Even worst are the comments heard if a single woman decides NOT to have an out of wedlock child and opts instead for an abortion.
One of the common judgments I hear from the lips of black men and women about single motherhood and abortion is “well I am against women using abortion for birth control.” Excuse the hell out of me but that is EXACTLY WHAT IT IS FOR – to terminate a pregnancy so that you control a birth.
The whole thing about folks feeling like they have the power to decide what age a woman should stop having children, the power to control women’s options for birth control, and the power to dictate what women should and should not do with their own body is crazy. Who gets to decide if motherhood is the appropriate thing for a woman? Is motherhood a blessing or a tool for control?
We’ll be talking about it all tonight!
The show starts at 7 pm PST / 10 pm EST. Call in to 347-327-9215 to make your opinion heard OR you can log on to chat and listen via your computer.

No children for me, thanks! Click here to listen to the broadcast entitled Women and Motherhood – Blessing or Tool for Control?
Category: Media Events