Tag: unwed mothers
Women and Motherhood – Blessing or Curse?
The whole thing about folks feeling like they have the power to decide what age a woman should stop having children, the power to control women’s options for birth control, and the power to dictate what women should and should not do with their own body is crazy. Who gets to decide if motherhood is the appropriate thing for a woman?
Relationship Has Lost That Lovin’ Feeling…
It kills me how young girls put so much emphasis on the fact that they have a baby by some fool like it means something important. Is a broken heart in this advice seeker’s future?
Don’t Be Dumb by Falling for the Baby Momma Okey Doke
If he says “I love you” many females think they have a dream come true. In reality if he really wanted to be with you as a family man he would be doing things very differently. A man that loves and respects you does not set you up for the Dumb Baby Momma Okey Doke.
Black Men Blame Black Women For Unwed Pregnancies
Black men consistently blame women for the babies born out of wedlock, charging that black women should “close their legs” and whining that men have no power to decide anything about a pregnancy. Do they forget that women can’t get pregnant by themselves? Why do Black men refuse to take ownership of their choices, bodies and semen, attempting instead to place that responsibility on women?
Why Are People So Opposed to Abortion?
Dear Ms. HeartBeat: Why are so many people opposed to abortion? Are they really so stupid that they think a clump of cells is a life? Well I have a little news for you folks… it is not a life until it is born! Signed, Fed Up Dear Fed Up: People also believe in Santa […]
WTF Are You Having That Nothing Ass Man’s Baby For?
Being a mother comes with huge financial responsibilities as well as mental/emotional obligations. Providing food, clothing and shelter is just the tip of the iceberg. Children brought up in broken family units or one that has only one parent in it right from the start, tend to have more social and behavioral problems as compared to those who were raised by both parents. Statistics show that individuals, who are single parents are more likely to live in poverty, especially “baby mommas”, as they tend to be younger and less educated.
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