WTF Are You Having That Nothing Ass Man’s Baby For?

. 08/08/2010 . 14 Comments

As I travel through life, I see an unbelievable number of young women (I’m talking teens and early 20s) with babies.  All these “baby’s mommas” walking around is not cute.  These girls are walking around with no wedding ring in evidence, no husband in sight. Just a mom and a baby – or two or three children. And I watch those scenes in horrified amazement and wonder…


Why is it that so many females are willing to sacrifice their lives, futures, education and opportunities for advancement and growth just to breed and have some fool’s child?  Are these girls just naive and romantically hopeful? Suffering from low self esteem perhaps? Hoping for a family and love they didn’t have while growing up maybe? Or are they just plain stupid?

I’m sure the reason for having the baby vary widely in each case, but the end result is the same.  Another young woman will be struggling financially to support herself AND a child before she has really established herself as independent.

Another young woman will have to drop out of school to get a job because she has a baby to support.  Only a tiny fraction of the children of college educated women are born outside of marriage, while very high percentages are born to women with a high school education or less.

Another young woman will have to sacrifice her dreams of travel and fun with her friends because now she is a parent.  Child Protective Services has been called and parents prosecuted for leaving their children alone while they try to get their party on.

Another young woman has effectively removed herself from the dating pool altogether or placed herself on the Runner’s Up list with men.  The prime, most eligible bachelors prefer the childless single woman with an education and assets as a mate, passing the single mom by.  Men without children do not want to date single mothers.

Scientific studies of single parent homes (of which 73% are headed by females), indicate that both mothers and children suffer financially and socially.  A large percentage of the children living in single parent homes live in poverty and tend to suffer significant educational and emotional disadvantages as compared to children reared in a home with married parents.  Pattern analysis shows that children of single parent homes are more  likely to repeat their parents’ behaviors…  the male children are more likely to engage in criminal behavior and the female children to repeat the cycle and have children outside of marriage.

Please review the videos below and forward either or both along to as many young men and women as you can.  Young women need to be made aware of the long-term implications of their romantic fantasy of love with a man that ain’t about nothin’.

Your comments are welcome.

No Wedding, No Womb Launch Campaign PSA – September 22, 2010 from Courage Network on Vimeo.

Founded by Christelyn Karazin, No Wedding, No Womb is a new initiative that will be used to help empower African American women to take responsibility for their bodies and say no to unwanted pregnancies through education and awareness. Broken homes contributes to many social epidemics including domestic violence. The campaign will help address many social issues, particularly in the African American community. The campaign launches September 22, 2010 with the support of approximately 100 bloggers across the internet.

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Dating expert and advice columnist since 1993, writing as Ms. HeartBeat. Author of the hilarious street smart dating guide "Sucka Free Love - How to Avoid Dating The Dumb, The Deceitful, The Dastardly, The Dysfunctional & The Deranged."

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