Tag: the male struggle to control female sexuality
Women and Motherhood – Blessing or Curse?
The whole thing about folks feeling like they have the power to decide what age a woman should stop having children, the power to control women’s options for birth control, and the power to dictate what women should and should not do with their own body is crazy. Who gets to decide if motherhood is the appropriate thing for a woman?
Part 4 – Are Black Women Stupid? Stupid Black Women Vaginal Mileage and Wife Worthiness
In part four of the series which asks “Are Black Women Stupid?” we’ll take a look at the prevalent belief in the black community that black women’s value as a potential wife is measured by what has gone on between her legs and her willingness to be a “helpmeet” and supporter for a mere boyfriend.
Are Black Women Stupid?
Are black women stupid? When you see large numbers of black women putting down females while uplifting male interests, it becomes clear that there are a lot of black females who support patriarchy which means they are on the wrong side of the gender war.
Why Black Women Should Never Submit to Black Men
Female submission is a key point of contention in Black male/female relationships. Would Black women really experience higher rates of marriage and marital satisfaction if they bought into the concept of submission as Black men say they should?
Beware of the Misogynist Hidden in ‘Advice Guru’ Sheep’s Clothing
Ladies, watch out for men that present themselves as saviors and advisors for Black women. They blame the black woman for the demise of the black community, sexual promiscuity, single parent homes, fatherless children and for everything negative they can think of when it comes to the breakdown in relations between black women and men without assigning any accountability to the black man.
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