Men, We Want to Know What Makes a Woman Wife Material?

. 03/18/2012 . 0 Comments

Why Choose You.Com

Launches an Exciting Research Survey Which Asks Men Around the World:

“What Makes a Woman WIFE Material?”

Advice columnist author and social researcher Deborrah Cooper recently re-launched another exciting research survey for men. Originally launched in 1997, the ‘Why Choose You?’ survey has been collecting the opinions and experiences of men of varying ages, races, and socio-economic levels for 15 years.  There is nothing like it… no research that compares to the vast amount of dating being collected from this project.

We ask direct questions because we want to get direct answers… not our interpretation of what you think. No guessing. We want to hear directly from men what you feel, and you what you think on issues such as:

  • Are you open to marrying a woman that has children from a previous relationship, or is the ‘ready made family’ issue one you strictly choose to avoid?
  • How important is a woman’s weight and looks in your choice of a wife?
  • What needs are you looking to have met before you decide that this woman is THE ONE?
  • Can you honestly say that the race or nationality of your wife of key importance and a deal-breaker for you?
  • What attitudes or behaviors do you find so irritating that a woman exhibiting them would NEVER be considered as your potential mate?

This survey is for men only.

Log onto our website at Why Choose You? and take the 15-minute survey. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

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