Narcissistic Personality Disorder in the Black Community
Taking into account my two decades of work in the advice field working with single black men and women, and after listening to Donna Andersen and Dr. Fran Walfish, the two experts I had on the show tonight discussing sociopaths, I have come to the conclusion that 97% of Black men in America suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. That 3% … oooh weee that is hard to find.
Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
List from
In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:
Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements).
— These are Black men that expect to get credit and a title of “good Black man” for doing the things they are SUPPOSED TO DO like work, go to school, and take care of the children they helped make. Love to remind women that there are more females than males, and that women need to get with him to “support” and “encourage” and “nurture” him to greatness. Like to refer to themselves as Black kings and Gods, though they possess no riches or fifedoms, and certainly no magical powers. Those that lie about their abilities and embellish their history and accomplishments my cousin Candace calls “Lying a$$ muhfuggas!”
Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.
— Thinks they will be the next Michael Jordan, or a big time rapper, or a big time model, and are still dreaming that dream at 35. Believes they have the right to a woman’s body, love and commitment even though they are a verbally and/or emotionally abusive, arrogant asshat most of the time.
Believes that he is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions).
— These are the guys that went to school and now believe themselves too good to associate with “average” Blacks, even those in their own family. They move to the suburbs and marry White women. These are the type you meet at a party and the first thing they want to do is stare down their nose and ask you pointed questions to determine your pedigree – where you go to church, who you know in Jack & Jill or the Black MBA Association, and if you ever vacation in The Vineyard where his father has an estate.
Requires excessive admiration.
— Wants you to tell him “great job” about everything he does and go out of your way to thank him for helping out with his own children and in his own household. What are you, five? If you tell him about himself, he wants to call you bitter, angry or a man hater. Some will turn around use that as justification for cheating. You don’t have the right or permission to criticize him you mere Black woman.
Has a very strong sense of entitlement, e.g., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his expectations.
— This is where the whole “Black women aren’t submissive enough” thing comes in. In retaliation, they will state that they deserve a foreign woman that knows her place and her role and puts him and his needs first without question or demand. Though he keeps his options open to date outside the race, he rants like a maniac at Black women that date other races and accuses them of abandoning the Black community. May attempt to get custody of children in a divorce proceeding to retaliate against a woman that leaves him, though he has never been an involved or even a caring parent. His chief goal is to avoid “paying that woman my money” or to avoid giving her the upper hand (control of the children). The worst of this bunch are the guys that attempt to hit on a woman as she is walking down the street or in some social setting, or that refuse to let a woman leave a relationship without hurting her. In the former, should she reject his advances, he becomes enraged and strikes out with violent words or punches. Women have died from gunshot wounds and stabbings at the hands of strangers. Moreso are the spurned lovers who refuse to let a woman move on; they kill them instead.
Is exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends.
— In this category are liars, players, gamers, pimps, and users of women. They call it “spitting game” or “running game” and their favorite targets are women. These are the clowns that bust you upside the head and take the purse of an old woman, or the new shoes or jacket of a child. Always demanding and selfish. Even in prison, they demand that you run up your phone bill talking to them, go broke visiting them and putting money on their books. Child molesting pastors, fathers, step fathers, uncles, older brothers and trusted family friends that violate children sexually are also in this category.
Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.
— Blames a woman for being victimized by one of his male buddies or any male, period. Even if a child is hurt by a predator, its still somehow the mother’s fault for “not picking a good Black man!” instead of the male’s fault for being a predator of children. Sits by idly refusing to lift a finger to help his exhausted mate or failing children. If he sees a woman being assaulted on the street, he laughs and films it to upload on World Star Hip Hop instead of calling the cops. Intervening on her behalf will never happen. Will refuse to help young people or teach his own children anything “because nobody helped me!”
Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.
— Have you noticed how many Black men hate on Obama or any other successful Brotha for no reason?
Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.
— They believe they are superior to women for no reason other than they have a penis. I’d say that fits in perfectly.
As with all personality disorders, the person must be at least 18 years old before they can be diagnosed with it.
Narcissistic personality disorder is more prevalent in males than females, and is thought to occur in less than 1 percent in the general population.
— That is because none of those studies have been done on BLACK men where it would be at least 75% of the population.
Like most personality disorders, narcissistic personality disorder typically will decrease in intensity with age, with many people
experiencing few of the most extreme symptoms by the time they are in the 40s or 50s.
— Yeah, because by then they have high blood pressure, “sugah”, need Viagra and nobody wants them.
Category: Date Smarter, Not Harder
Wonderfully stated Openemeyes. I have never encountered a more narcissistic group of men as black men, and I have dated all races. It seems pathological.
Tell it like it is Sista.’ We live in a narcissistic society. Unfortunately, mental health diagnoses were created and established for the more dominant races in society, and not geared towards the inferior races of people. They don’t see us as people. If a white man goes postal and kills several people, he is immediately protected and branded as being mentally ill. If a black man creates a similar crime, he is labeled evil and given the electric chair depending upon the state the crime took place. It simply amazes me how so many African-Americans are branded and misdiagnosed every day. Our people are overly medicated and labeled as being bi-polar by the dozens. This is being done so often that it appears more of the norm today. The dominant society treats the less superior race as having a deficient dna coded gene in this case, on a deeper cellular level like our kinky hair and thick lips . I guess bi-polar is the new catch all term for all blacks suffering mental health issues when a therapist doesn’t want to invest the time to properly diagnose a person.
However, I am a bit leary of calling men narcissistic, and that 97% black men are narcissistic. I think a lot of them are angry at their mothers. I blame it on the internet.
thinkingreader so it would take a tangible study to determine the “black” community , 1/2 of which is male is dysfunctional. And the men seem not to be alarmed by this dysfunction and many claiming it is induced by outside forces. That “King” statement is too fuckin true, study or not. When people say that I wonder what do they see when they are out in public.
Wow! When I read this article I swore it was all about my husband. It fits him to the very end. He’s one of those cheating,lying,pimping,wannabe rappers at the age of 35 who walked out and abandoned his family, leaving me with all the bills and responsibilities without an ounce of remorse. He’s abused me physically,mentally,emotionally and financially and blames me for his retarded,childish,selfish behavior and even bragged about how his life is so great with his many bad bit@%$ he has after I stuck by him through broke times,jail time and all his whining about how his baby mamas ruined his life which I realized were all LIES to gain sympathy. Now he is playing hidi and seek after requesting a divorce and does nothing to help with our son except for some chump change when he feels like showing up at his convenience. He’s destroyed and damaged my property,stole money from me and denies it all. He has his bunch of flunkies who are just like him ready to run to his aide and practically lives in the strip club or the “studio” trying to create that “hit” he’ll never see. Yes,he fits the discription of the one too many damn clowns described in your article and I am more than determined to make sure my boys don’t ever turn out to end up in the degenerate pool of lying,narcissistic,sorry bm we unfortunately have dealt with. My daughter refuses to even think about ever marrying a bm because of the many terrifying examples she’s lived through between my ex husband and current one I’m trying to divorce. It’s repulsive!
Deborrah TrSeeker i have looked at all your comments and i can have came to a conclusion that you fit all criteria of being a narcissistic person who has no clue of what your talking about 97% ha how many millions is that, you dont take to criticism very well your right and everyone else is wrong no one elses opinion counts only yours, your self-centred and some what boist , your the kettle calling the pot black.