Deborrah “Aesop” Cooper Tells the Tale of The Fox and the Grapes
An Aesop’s fable tells the story of thirsty Brotha Fox and how he dealt with the frustration of not getting what he wanted. Excuse me while I add my own hood flava to it.
On a hot as hell summer’s day Brotha Fox was rolling around doing his thing, hollerin’ at his boyz and the ladies in turn. After awhile he realized all that booty watching had made him thirsty. He happened to look up and see a bunch of grapes he had never seen before. “Awwww look at ’em, hanging there all juicy and ripe, looking so tasty and delicious.”
Now Brotha Fox was NOT all that he thought he was, and the grapes were totally out of his reach. But thinking himself smart and full of game, the reality that he was short, red and furry did not deter him in the least.
“Look at them juicy ass grapes. Ohhh weeee, I gotta get me some of that. Juicy grapes are just the thing I need to quench my thirst,” he leered as he licked his lips LL Cool J style.
Moving back a few steps, Brotha Fox took a few running steps and jumped up to make his play. Uh oh, he missed the mark. “Dammit!” he said as he hit the ground with a thump.
Brotha Fox jumped up, quickly looking around to make sure nobody saw him fall on his face, then went back for round two.
“One, Two, Three!” he jumped up to try to snag some grapes, but again didn’t get the prize he was after. Fox dude tried again and again, doing the same moves he did the first time, even though they didn’t work. Brotha Fox just could not stand to look at the juicy grapes he wanted and not be able to pull one. You know.
Frustrated and angry, and still very thirsty for some grape juice, Fox had to give it up. Trying to get those phat, juicy grapes was not working for him and he didn’t know what to do to get some.
Putting on his best game face so his buddies wouldn’t see that he was a grape getting failure, Brotha Fox walked away with his nose in the air. “I didn’t want those damn sour ass grapes anyway!” he said real loud to make sure everyone heard.
The moral of this story is: Most men find it easier on their ego to pretend to despise the phat juicy ass they cannot get.
Category: Men's Issues
I love this hoodified version of the fox and the grapes. This is exactly how brothas act towards women they approach who turn them down. They turn around and say something nasty to the woman just to soothe their ego. LOL. Yup this happens all the time. Great tale Ms. Cooper.