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15 Ways To Save Your Relationship Without Leaving Your Bedroom!

. 07/21/2009 . 0 Comments

On Wednesday, July 29th at 7:00 p.m., Deborrah Cooper will interview author Kimberly Dawn Neumann on her exciting new relationship book for couples entitled Sex Comes First – 15 Ways to Save Your Relationship Without Leaving Your Bedoom.   Log onto The Sucka Free Dating Internet Radio Talk Show to participate in the live broadcast. […]

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When I’m Good, I’m Very Good…But When I’m Bad, I’m Even Better!

. 07/13/2009 . 1 Comment

Whether an angry, baby making hoochie, or a scripture quoting “good” woman, females at both ends of the spectrum of femininity are tiresome and boring. Both need to open their minds to new experiences and embrace the concept that a woman can be both intelligent and fun, spiritual and sexy – all at the same time. Tips for how to be an exciting woman that’s sometimes good, and sometimes not.

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For Men: The Difference Between Interest and Desperation

. 07/11/2009 . 0 Comments

He Says/She Says tackles the issue of rejection and dating for men. The authos explain the difference between showing interest in a woman and presenting oneself as desperate. Developing the ability to confidently show interest and approach a woman means guys must change their perspective and not be so attached to the outcome.

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Single Black Women and Workplace Sexual Harassment

. 07/10/2009 . 2 Comments

In an effort to “be nice” or out of fear of retaliation, single women allow men on their jobs to speak to them disrespectfully, touch them, or make crude comments or jokes. Women are also blamed for men’s behavior and feel guilty as they question what they did to “make him” take such illegal liberties. I’m here to tell you that no matter how small and insignificant others may view the emotional or psychic pain you feel after being subjected to such nasty behaviors, you are the ultimate decider of what is injurious. No one else gets to decide that for you!

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The Dangers of the “Undefined” Relationship

. 07/06/2009 . 0 Comments

Women must refuse to allow undefined relationships for long periods of time. For a relationship to develop any depth, the relationship must be acknowledged both privately and publicly by both people. If you’re participating in an undefined relationship but think it is going somewhere, you need to wake up and smell the game!

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Becoming The Man Women Want

. 07/05/2009 . 0 Comments

Women are frustrated and angry with men; men are confused about what modern women want and long for a return to “the good old days” when the male role was well-defined. Should women adjust their Fairy Tale expectations of Happily Ever After with the reality of who and what men are today? How can men adjust their caveman idea of “a man’s man” while still demonstrating strength and leadership so that the modern woman admires and respects him? If you’re confused about gender expectations and how to meet the needs of the opposite sex, this is the show for you!

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Why Do We Settle for Less in Love and Life?

. 07/04/2009 . 0 Comments

Young women are socialized to idealize marriage as a fairy tale dream come true. Marry your Prince and live happily ever after, right? Wrong! If both men and women had a more realistic understanding of marriage, we’d choose our spouses a lot differently. We’d reconsider walking away from partners that would have made wonderful husbands and wives over some minor stupid thing not on our fantasy list. Instead we leave them behind and look for explosive passion and a Soul Mate convinced we are doing so because we don’t want to settle…

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Letters “Dear Abby” Admitted She Was at a Loss to Answer

. 06/30/2009 . 0 Comments

  Dear Abby, A couple of women moved in across the hall from me. One is a middle-aged gym teacher and the other is a social worker in her mid twenties. These two women go everywhere together and I’ve never seen a man go into or leave their apartment. Do you think they could be […]

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Men Don’t Understand When They Are IN A RELATIONSHIP

. 06/30/2009 . 0 Comments

Explanation of what women mean when they say “we’re in a relationship” because guys just don’t seem to get it. When a woman is looking for a specific, desired outcome from their interaction with a person of the opposite sex, she labels their regular interaction as “a relationship.” A relationship is much more important in her life than a mere date. A relationship usually includes sex for women. Guys don’t get that if they have sex with a woman more than a couple of times, she is going to consider that “a relationship” whether you want it to be one or not! In other words, you are her boyfriend, with all the obligations and responsiblities that title entails.

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The 10 Reasons Your Goofy Butt Didn’t Get a Second Date

. 06/28/2009 . 0 Comments

With each new person you date there is excitement and hopeful anticipation. Of course not every date is going to go the distance or anywhere at all. But if you are one of those folks that have a hard time getting a second date with everyone you meet, it’s time to examine your behavior and make sure you aren’t making any of these ten dating blunders.

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How Do Relationships Become “Official” These Days?

. 06/26/2009 . 0 Comments

Single men and women must never assume that they have a committed relationship or a “boyfriend/girlfriend” just because they’ve been on 5, 10 or even 500 dates, slept together, are living together, or have even had a baby. Unless the details of their association have been discussed in great detail, expectations and abilities to meet said expectations have been ironed out, and both parties sign on the dotted line, there is no “relationship.”

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Bitch Made “Good Men” In the Dating Pool

. 06/25/2009 . 3 Comments

I’m tired of men that feel they are “Good men” touting their goodness like it’s a badge of honor, a trophy, something that entitles them to more or better or what they want. In the mating game your “goodness” means absolutely nothing. You telling women over and over why we should pick you instead of the exciting, sexy, fun guy makes you sound like a whining punk. Here are my reasons why I and a great many women totally ignore “good guys” when choosing a man.

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