Rebuttal to 7 Types of Women Men Should Avoid

. 03/20/2011 . 12 Comments

Dr. Boyce Watkins of Black Voices BV on Money posted an interesting link on his blog, opening a discussion on Anslem Samuel’s article entitled “The 7 Types of Women Men Should Avoid.”  We thought the points made were silly, and the complaints shallow and indicative of whining. Here is SurvivingDating.Com’s response:

1. The Religious Fanatic
Most women like this do not to hang out in places such as clubs or sports bars and tend to want to only date church going men. So how would this be a problem for men who want to avoid dating women of this type? It’s not a problem at all. This is an urban legend. Men who go after devout church going women are doing so deliberately most likely to run game on the woman.

2. The Marriage/Baby-Obsessed
Women should get to know the man first before wanting to have a baby with him. For all they know he could be a dumb fool with bad genes in his family and they could be passing these genes alone to the next generation. Men need to stop skeeting and running so much spreading babies around. If you have multiple babies, especially by multiple women (and a lot of black men do) is it any wonder a woman looks at you as merely a sperm donor?

3. The Gold Digger
This is funny! Unless a brotha is Ben Carson, won the lottery, owns a serious, or works as a pro athlete, most Black men don’t have any cash or gold for a woman to dig!  Most black men are barely getting by and think that if they are financially stable with a job at the post office, or some such, that means they are vulnerable to gold diggers.  Please! Interestingly enough, black men have no problem with non-black women digging their ‘mysterious gold’, and will marry Ming Lu and Becky with a quickness knowing neither of them bring anything to the table except their race which black men are happy to pay for what they feel is a privilege for them to show off to others.

4. The Angry Black Woman

For every angry black woman, there is some trifling black man that made her that way. If black men don’t want women to get angry, then they need to step up and stop being so trifling. Women just like men have every right to get angry behind some BS behavior they’ve had to deal with repeatedly from black men. And when we look at the sad state of affairs with black men, high incarceration rate, high drop out rate in school, abusive, funky attitudes towards, women, abandoning the babies and family they make, the majority of black men, ain’t giving black women too much to smile about.

5. The Pretty Girl With Problems

This tells me that black men want the woman that looks good on the outside without first assessing if she is compatible on the inside with him and this speaks more to the black man’s shallowness in picking a woman than about the woman with the issues. We all have issues, but picking a ‘pretty girl’ just so you can be the envy of your friends shows that YOU black man have problems. Don’t even get me started on the many black men with left over problems stemming from abandonment, rejection, fear and mama issues with no daddy in the homes and their failure to commit that they carry over into their relationships

6. The Stalker
Fact: more women are killed by ex-husbands and jealous, possessive boyfriends — men they have left, rejected, gotten protection orders against. More men are arrested on domestic abuse charges and other acts of violence against women such as rape. So if anybody has to be worried about ‘the stalker’ it is a female! Dozens of times per day around the country a woman is killed/physically abused/violated by a man. A woman can’t even walk down the street without being verbally harassed and even physically assaulted (if she ignores or rejects his advances) by men. And you want to talk about women stalking men? PLUUEEZE!!!

7. The Party Girl
A woman can party all she wants if it makes her happy and she is having fun. A woman doesn’t have to conform to what a man thinks just because the man says he wants it. Most men and women go through the party stage in their teens and twenties. Everyone grows out of the party stage as they mature and grow to become someone who wants to settle down and get married. These women won’t go looking for a mate in the club, but men do well into their 60s. Men bypass many suitable women that would be great wives for them because they focus on a woman’s “hotness.” It’s men that continue to have the high school mentality and seek out hot looking party girls to have on their arm so they can look good in front of their friends.
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Music lover living on the East Coast that enjoys spending time with close friends, reading and writing.

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