Smart Women Say No to Sexy Pictures, Lingerie Shots or Sex Videos

. 02/08/2013 . 2 Comments


Do not ever allow a man you are dating or living with, yo baby daddy or any college boyfriends or male buddies to take naked or sex pictures of you. No still shots, no video shots, nothing.

See, it might be cute NOW and you two giggle and laugh about it. But as soon as things go south and you want to leave him, he will show his ass. This is an example of how it plays out:

“On July 23, 2012, the woman received notification that her AT&T account password had been changed, even though she did not request a change. She changed it, and it was changed again the next day without her knowledge, court records state. On Aug. 1, 2012, her Facebook password was changed without her knowledge.internet stalking harassment girlfriend revenge

Poff was placed on administrative leave Aug. 1. In the days that followed, the woman received numerous threatening emails from anonymous addresses saying nude pictures of her would be distributed, the charges state. Friends and relatives of the woman also received texts asking if they wanted pornographic pictures of her. The woman told investigators that Poff was the one who took the pictures. He also allegedly threatened to post them on public websites.

Poff made posts on his own Facebook account suggesting possible violence, according to court records.

“The behavior linked to Poff has created fear, anxiety and uneasiness with (the woman), and she has been nervous about what could happen to her and her children,” the charging documents state.”

Ex-Girlfriend Revenge Sites

In addition to the hassle of dealing with an immature man that does silly aggravating things, there are men that take their rejection to a whole new level. All over the web are sites set up by loser guys that encourage other losers to post porn vids and sexy pictures of women they once dated but who no longer want to be bothered with them. To exact their revenge on the woman that would dare turn her back on them, these bitter juvenile-minded cretins post what the woman THOUGHT were private sexy pics and videos on the web. Their goal is to humiliate the woman that rejected them, and make her pay for leaving.

What the ghouls don’t understand is that by behaving in such a childish manner, they make the woman GLAD she left and merely confirm her impression of him being a loser and nothing worth her time.

This is an example of how it plays out:

Sexy pictures, taken for private purposes, are finding their way online.

The website, described as a revenge porn site, is posting explicit photos submitted by men seeking revenge on their ex-girlfriends.

But a group of Texas women may get the last laugh, after filing a lawsuit against the site.

Hollie Toups, 32, says she “stopped breathing for awhile” when she found semi-nude pictures of herself on the site. Toups went from being a modest teacher’s aide in Beaumont to an unintended porn star, after an ex-boyfriend posted explicit photos along with personal information.

“I was at a store one day and somebody was like hey you’re the girl from that website,” says Toups.

Toups and 25 other women are suing the website and its owner, who has a fictitious address in Richardson.

“I am very confident I will find that person,” says John S. Morgan, plaintiff’s attorney. “It really touched my heart the amount of emotional devastation every one of these women have suffered.”

The lawsuit comes after the women say the website refused to remove the photos unless they paid a fee.girlfriend revenge sites cause depression and anxiety humiiation in women

“I thought that was outrageous that they had to gall to ask me to do that,” says Toups.

It’s not hard to track down unsuspecting women who had nude and sexually explicit photos through Facebook and other social media.

CBS 11 News found dozens of women in North Texas on the site, and one who says her father alerted her she was a revenge porn victim.

“It was humiliating I didn’t want to go anywhere I started questioning people’s politeness was it genuine how are you doing or was it in the back of your mind I saw you on that site,” says Toups.

The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages.

Local attorney Victor Johnson says the lawsuit could be difficult to pursue if website’s operator can prove its a bulletin board and that they have no control over the content.

So you see, you just never know. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. If you feel you just MUST have sexy pictures showing your half-naked body, or some freaky sex video of yourself in action, keep them on a flash drive. Lock the drive up in a safety deposit box, or a safe that no one knows the password or combination but you. Show them on a camera that is also locked up safely. Then there can be no opportunity for copying, downloading surreptitiously, etc.

However, I am advising that you deny any request to film you in any state of undress or during any sex act anywhere ever. Remember, that once things go online you can have them removed from the site, but there are thousands of people that could have copied them over to another site, a blog, a message board, or social media site… or even saved the images on their hard drive. Once something is online it lives forever.

Think about that before you do something stupid.

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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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