Tag: black male privilege

Black Men Be All Up in Their Feelings Like Women

. 12/07/2013 . 5 Comments

Modern black men be all up in their feelings like women, whining about the things black women say on social media and demanding that women specify SOME black men when she is critical of black male behaviors.

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Do Not Get Offended Black Man Unless What I Say Applies to You

. 03/03/2013 . 0 Comments

Why is it that black males group themselves together and seem incapable of separating the knucklehead punks and thug criminals from the decent hard working black man. If a woman criticizes the former, for some reason the latter will quickly come to their defense.

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When Fun Turns into Sexual Assault a Good Time is Not Had by All

. 07/25/2012 . 0 Comments

The rape conviction of Oklahoma State University basketball player Darrel Williams separates the black community into two camps – those that defend the attacker and blame the victim for a sexual assault, and those who believe he got what he deserved as black athletes think they are above reproach.

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The Case for Male Virginity

. 11/28/2011 . 2 Comments

A real man is one who can live up to the responsibilities he created, not by the number of dizzy broads he is currently sexing. Perhaps its time to reconsider the value of virginity for males.

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Exposing Black Male Privilege

. 12/16/2010 . 19 Comments

I’ve repeatedly heard Black men express the belief that they are victims of a matriarchial society, that they are denied rights and privileges and the opportunity to “be a man” by “strong Black women.” I’ve heard grown men whine that women need to be responsible for men’s attire (sagging pants), teen pregnancy amonst 11, 12, 13 year old girls (who are actually victimis of child molesters, not willing adults making a choice for sex), and assign to women the responsibility for changing the Black community. With women being blamed for all that, what the hell is it that Black men are going to get off their asses and do?

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