Tag: dating single moms

Is it Too Soon to Tell Him I Love Him After Dating Only a Month?

. 11/29/2013 . 1 Comment

Everyone can be on their good behavior for a short period of time, but after 6-9 months, folks relax their front and ish gets real. As time passes and you spend more time together, you get to see more of who he really is, how he handles conflicts and problems, levels of responsibility and accountability, you meet his family, you meet his friends, you see how he is living, you learn how he thinks and what his values and morals are.

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Divorced Single Mom Experiences Dating Drama

. 06/14/2011 . 4 Comments

Divorced single Mom’s attempts to have a romantic life and find a new man meet resistance from six year old daughter.

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Why Men Hate Dating Single Mothers

. 03/13/2011 . 70 Comments

Some men are hesitant to date a woman with children, and have a long list of reasons they feel such a relationship is more trouble than it’s worth. Recognizing their fears though, single Moms can approach the dating arena armed with knowledge and ready to deal with male fears head on!

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Black Men Blame Black Women For Unwed Pregnancies

. 09/21/2010 . 14 Comments

Black men consistently blame women for the babies born out of wedlock, charging that black women should “close their legs” and whining that men have no power to decide anything about a pregnancy. Do they forget that women can’t get pregnant by themselves? Why do Black men refuse to take ownership of their choices, bodies and semen, attempting instead to place that responsibility on women?

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Single Moms Dating Pedophiles 8/14/2010

. 08/08/2010 . 2 Comments

Does love make women blind to possible dangers of assault on their children, or are these women knowingly sacrificing their children’s physical safety and mental health for a man in their bed?

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