Tag: verbal abuse

Day 6 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Entitlement Issues and Black Men

. 03/08/2013 . 6 Comments

Violence by bitter beta DBR black men who claim to be “nice guys” or “good black men” discussed. How a sense of entitlement will cause them to verbally abuse women who reject them with profanity, and physically abuse women with flying fists or objects.

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The Emotionally Abusive Black Man – Part 2

. 12/30/2010 . 6 Comments

Emotional abuse is the repeated use of negative behaviors by a male to control and gain the upper hand over a woman. When a man is emotionally abusive, every dismissive and critical word he says, every action he takes to make you feel badly, every threatening gesture he makes is being done with intent and malice. Don’t delude yourself into thinking emotional abuse is an accident.

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When Black Men Attack

. 12/26/2010 . 9 Comments

These men seek to hurt women with words; they feel empowered if they can make women feel emotional pain and psychological hurt. Every utterance is designed to make women feel small, a failure, less than men, sad, confused, and unintelligent.

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What Black Women Think About Street Harassment

. 10/29/2010 . 2 Comments

Street harassment is a form of sexual harassment and a common behavior of Black men. Some mistakenly believe their touching and words are no big deal; Sistah Girl explains why they need to get a clue!

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Beware of the Verbally Abusive Man Hiding in Plain Sight

. 09/01/2010 . 10 Comments

It really doesn’t matter why a man is verbally or psychologically abusive towards females, nor does it matter if the undercover abuse is purposeful or not, the damage to a woman’s self esteem and emotional stability if she listens to that bullshit is exactly the same, and it can be quite considerable.

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Jerks, Assholes, Idiots and Abusive Men: Recognizing Verbal Abuse

. 08/14/2009 . 12 Comments

Five common tactics abusive men use to derail female confidence. The goal for abusive men is to belittle and insult you so often that you shut down. He wants to be able to treat you any way he likes, and for you to take it without complaint because you’re so beaten down you believe his words to be true.

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