True Forced Independence – Black Men FORCED Us to Not Need a Man

. 02/06/2017 . 0 Comments

True Forced Independence?independent women PTSD Blackistan

True Forced Independence is a phase I came up with that perfectly describes the current environment in which black male/female relationships fester in a cesspool of resentment and anger. In their minds black women are too feminist, too independent, don’t know how to be submissive wives anymore which all invalidates us as options for marriage and family. Therefore women in America are eliminated as potential wives and that is why they must go to Third World countries where poor women who don’t speak English are preferable for wives.

Black men are angry and resentful at single black women because they want to have power, control, domination and submission, and say that black women who won’t give it to them are “too independent,” “don’t know how to let a man be a man,” and “love saying they don’t need a man.”

The resentment is so bad that hundreds of these guys are all over the web making videos and podcasts saying how happy they are that Trump will be doing away with social programs that help black women and children, so that options for poor women will be eliminated and these black women will have no choice but to bow down and give men what they want.

True Forced Independence – How Men Set Women Up

Black men want to blame black women for the destruction of the family, the destruction of the black community, and for the high number of single parent homes. They complain that black women should keep their legs closed (while they try to get between them at every opportunity). They also complain that black women are quick to proclaim “I don’t need you!” and insist that “we need each other!”educated lames classic men true forced loneliness

  • In reality black men have trained black women how to do without them.
  • In reality black men have forced black women to become completely independent of them for survival.
  • In reality black men have abdicated responsibilities and obligations for black women and black children for decades, leaving them to fend for themselves – all by themselves.
  • In reality thousands of black men repeatedly express how little they respect black women, how black women are nothing but “cum dumpsters” which they “pump and dump.” They resent doing anything nice for black women to the point they refuse to even pay for dates or even to pay child support for the children they created.
  • Yes, black women have learned how to get along without you.
  • Yes, black women have learned to raise their children without you.
  • Yes, black women have learned how to support, encourage and show love for one other in the face of your absence.
  • Yes, black women are independent of you.
  • Yes, black women “don’t need a man” to survive and thrive.

This video examines the power struggle black men are engaged in with single black women over having the upper hand, controlling finances, controlling female sexuality, fatherless children, and men’s demands that they get catered to and “spoiled” by women.

Brace yourself, it’s not pretty.

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Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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