Do Black Men Want a Momma Figure They Can Screw?

. 02/05/2017 . 0 Comments

My assessment from reviewing articles, blog and social media posts, comments, podcasts and YouTube videos over the past 15 years is without a doubt, a momma figure they have sex with is the true desire of the majority of single black men.

Seeking Momma in a Romantic PartnerPeter Pan Syndrome men want to be nurtured catered to and spoiled by substitute momma figures

If you’ve paid attention to their rants, you’ve heard unending whining and complaining about the need to be “pampered,” “catered to,” “nurtured” and “spoiled” by women like she’s their momma.

They often make angry statements comparing themselves and their treatment to women, demanding to get exactly the “benefits” that women get of being asked out on dates, picked up and driven around, and given cards and flowers as gifts.  They also get upset when they feel they aren’t being given the proper amount of compliments, or congratulated for doing just basic things like have a job – things that any adult male would be expected to do.

In other words, they want to be praised and exalted like a momma would do for her darling son, except they want all that from the woman they are fucking.

Treating a man you are sleeping with, married to or have children by LIKE A CHILD is a guaranteed way to kill the passion and romance in any relationship. When the modern, accomplished and independent black woman looks for a mate, she is seeking someone she can respect and admire, someone she can proudly proclaim as her man. But when you have young children and a 35 year old at home, all expecting to be treated exactly the same – well, that’s a problem and one that I think negatively impacts many couples’ sex lives.

Dating Momma and The Peter Pan Syndrome

In the video, I provide an explanation of how Puer Eternus (Latin for “eternal boy”) Complex (aka the Peter Pan Syndrome) manifests in adult males, how this complex impacts their relationships, and how you can identify one of these men. Before you get in too deep and have a difficult time separating from this tall child.Peter Pan Syndrome and Single black men

Bottom line ladies: An adult male with the emotional development of an adolescent child is NOT a good bet for a relationship, marriage or to serve in the role of a father. He is not ready for and has no desire to assume adult responsibilities and commitments. This is the guy who pitches a fit when you pay more attention to a newborn child than to him. This is the guy who demands you serve him his plate and lay out his clothes like he is five years old.

Don’t think your love will change him, as he has already decided he prefers to have his momma substitute or his real momma take over responsibilities for his existence. He may never, ever grow up with his Peter Pan ways…preferring to live his life forever throwing tantrums, bouncing from job to job, being irresponsible and exhibiting a shocking sense of entitlement.

View a companion video on immature men below.

3 Votes


Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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