Week 2: The Pudge Be Gone! Fitness Challenge

. 04/09/2011 . 0 Comments

If you are looking at an online food diary, let me provide you with links to several free online diet sites:

  • Nutrimirror. It’s the one I use. Nutrimirror is 100% free to register and use, and you can add your own recipes and save frequently eaten meals as “menus” as well. Log onto http://www.nutrimirror.com/
  • Nutridiary.  Says “take the guesswork out of dieting!”  Log onto http://www.nutridiary.com/
  • Fitday.  This is one of the longest-running and most popular online food diary sites on the web.  Log onto http://www.fitday.com/

About Fat
Fat provides a feeling of fullness, which can help some people avoid eating to excess. By cutting fat out of their diets, people may loose this signal to stop eating. In addition, many “low-fat” and “no fat” foods can be just as high — and in some cases higher — in calories compared to the regular versions. Fat is not the evil beast that people have been told it is. Just make sure the fat you eat is good fat like olive oil or oil from salmon or other fatty fish – not saturated fat like butter, lard or greasy sausages.

Nutritional Needs Vary
Portion sizes and overall dietary requirements depend on several factors, including activity level. For example, an inactive person may only need three-quarters to one cup of cereal in the morning, which is the usual serving size of most varieties. But someone who runs several miles a day or who engages in demanding forms of resistance training may need two or three standard serving sizes.

How to Estimate Portion Sizes
What’s a portion size? According to the American Dietetic Association, you can use the following “models” to approximate portion sizes:

  • One deck of playing cards equals one serving (three ounces) of meat, poultry, or fish (can also use the palm of a woman’s hand or a computer mouse).
  • Half a baseball equals one serving (one-half cup) of fruit, vegetables, pasta, or rice (can also use a small fist).
  • Your thumb equals one serving (one ounce) of cheese.
  • A small hand holding a tennis ball equals one serving (one cup) of yogurt or chopped fresh greens.

These are standard descriptions, but still somewhat confusing. If you want an easy way to monitor your portion sizes for meals at home or work, check out the dinnerwear available with the Dish Diet program. The complete, individual Dish Diet Program includes a set of five plates and four bowls, scientifically designed and numbered to make your life simple and help you succeed. The dishes are dishwasher and microwave safe. You can check it out at this link.

Here are a few more tips to control food portions:

When at Home:
Take time to “eyeball” the serving sizes of your favorite foods (using some of the models listed above). Measure out single servings onto your plates and bowls, and remember what they look like. Figure out how many servings should make up your personal portion, depending upon whether you need to lose, gain, or maintain weight.

Avoid serving food “family style.” Serve up plates with appropriate portions in the kitchen, and don’t go back for seconds under any circumstances.

Never eat out of the bag or carton.

When in Restaurants:
Ask for half or smaller portions. (Don’t worry if it doesn’t seem cost-effective; it’s worth it.) Eyeball your appropriate portion, set the rest aside, and ask for a doggie bag right away. If you order dessert, share it or choose a healthier option like fruit or sherbet.

Pudge Be Gone Week #2 Challenges:
(1)  Exercise a total of 50 miles for intermediate/advanced exercises, and 35 miles for beginners by the end of the week. This can be accomplished on a bicycle, a stationary bicycle, a treadmill, walking or hiking with your pedometer, a rowing machine, or using an elliptical trainer.  Log your daily mileage in your workbook.

(2) Measure and weigh each serving of food that you eat to make sure that you are not eating excessive calories.  Use a food scale and your measuring utensils. Check food labels for the correct serving sizes. Be sure to log every bit of food you eat this week on one of the websites linked above. This is mandatory. You must learn how to determine appropriate portion sizes to get control of your calorie intake.

(3) This week we begin the “Lose 10% of Your Body Weight” challenge which will continue over the balance of the program. This means if you weigh 250 lbs., your weight loss goal is 25 lbs by Sunday May 15th, 2011 when the Pudge Be Gone challenge ends.

(4) If you don’t have a pedometer, get one by Saturday evening so you have time to configure it for use.  You will need it for week three which begins on Monday morning. Here are some great products you can check out:


Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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