You Lost it Over a Hairdo?

. 12/26/2010 . 6 Comments

This is the voicemail FB user Aganju Axe left on FB user Cynthia King’s home voicemail on Wednesday, December 15th, 2010 at 5:04 p.m. (EST). Cynthia provides some background and a transcript of the actual voicemail, which can be heard at the link below.


“Aganju Axe gave me her contact number and Gmail address when I deactivated my original FB account in the spring of 2010. I gave her my rarely used Gmail account in return. She would see my chat window active at work (I didn’t see her because she wasn’t an invited friend, I can only see my co-workers), and she first contacted me through Gmail chat. She also started sending random chats and texts to my mobile phone. She contacted me far more often than I contacted her over that six month period.

As little as 2 or 3 weeks earlier she asked when I would be in the Washington DC area. I did invite her to come through to visit when she was in NY. I only spoke to her ‘once’ on November 24th when I called her to finally put a voice to the many texts and chats. We spoke about 8, no more than 10 minutes. I wished her Happy Tday.

Our contact has been very superficial, very casual, and very sporadic and not the way she made it out to be on the voicemail.  We were mere online acquaintances, mainly through text and for the most part, initiated by her. “–Cynthia King

Why This Happened:

Approximately two weeks ago, Ms. Axe spent an entire 24 hour day attacking and berating Black women that wear weaves, wigs or that relax their hair.  I commented on the fact that the threads were negative and disrespectful to Black women. I believed then as I do now that how someone wears their hair of negligible importance to Black women when we have other pressing issues to deal with in our community. I found the series of threads to be counterproductive and told her so.

Deborrah Cooper: “This is the dumbest thread I’ve seen in my life. For Black women to sit around and debate the merits of their fucking HAIRSTYLE is just too much!!! All the issues we have to deal with in our communities, with our children, with unemployment, with racism – yall choose to go for something so superficial and transitory as your HAIR??? Hair comes and goes, turns gray and breaks off. Hair today, gone tomorrow. Hair is nothing to be worried about.

Black women know this – whatever way you wanna wear your hair is fine. It’s yours. You can buy it, glue it on, sew it on, or have it sticking straight up in the air with pink polka dots. It’s fine. Anyone don’t like it can kiss your ass. If you wanna wear it straight, a weave, a wig – do it. Nobody cares.

Now for this brotha that is spending all his time commenting in a woman’s subject type of thread and giving his damn 2 cents, brotha go away. Do something with yourself like attend the class you are supposed to be in. That is much more important than you commenting on some stupid ass thread about broads and their hair.

As for Aganju’s day long assault on Black women wearing their hair permed, girl please be quiet and talk about something intelligent. Why in the world do you feel the need to go all out on FB insulting Black women’s choices because they are making choices different from yours? Your attitude is no better than a redneck racist’s like Don Imus referring to Black women as “nappy headed ho’s”… you and he are on the same page – him on the preferring straight hair side, and you on the preferring nappy hair side.”

Her response to me began with “fuck you” then preceded to talk about my work and a host of other things of a personal nature – none of which had anything to do with the fact that she’d spent an entire 24 hour period repeatedly berating Black women that wear weaves or relaxers!!!

Aganju Axe:  “***Middle finger**** @ Deborrah and her predictably silly azz comment.

Because only a FUCK YOU will do in this instance!

How anyone can take you or your relationship advice seriously after you defended Chris Brown and called Rihanna all kinds of names and bitches is beyond me!

I could call you all kinds of names and bitches too like you do to other black women in the name of your so-called self help advice, for you having the gall to come on my page and attempt to dictate to me what I can and can not discuss as if I’m one of your followers, aka Deb Bots that gives a flying fuck about your approval.

But I respect my elders so I won’t call you names.

But I will tell you to fuck off. Don’t let the door hit ya!”

She blocked and defriended me, thinking that was going to give her the last word. Ha! Since she wanted to go there, we went.

Aganju Axe is about the dumbest bitch walking the face of the earth. Ignorant, silly, without a clue about life, men or anything else. She has no redeeming social value and nothing going on in her life but FB, dick, men and now hair which are the limits of the intelligent things she has to talk about. Fuck yourself honey. And ride out on the broom you rode in on.

Shockingly, many of her minions rallied to her defense. They trivialized her nasty attack on a breast cancer survivor and my work of 20 years nothing but “a spirited debate.” I disagreed and it was on.  In my mind the only one qualified to determine if her behavior was foul and fonky, and the only one entitled to take off kid gloves and whup somebody’s “brave on the Web” bitch ass is ME. So I told her supporters:

“You wanna bill yourself as an IN YOUR FACE person, be prepared to get told off and cussed back. And next time somebody has a difference of opinion about what you post, be woman enough to deal with the difference of OPINION without attacking the person. Because another IN YOUR FACE person is gonna dig in your ass right back and maybe even harder, and you may not like or be able to handle what they say.”

Because she was (as she says “paranoid”) about people connected with me on FaceBook, she deleted all the mutual friends we had.  She first put out feelers to see if people agreed that she had been “attacked.”  If the person agreed, she kept the friendship; if not, she cut them.  Axe was sent this message:

Kisha: How do I feel that Cynthia stabbed you in the back? I didn’t read anywhere on facebook that Cynthia ‘stabbed you in the back. Don’t you think you stabbed other women (who read your page) in the back with your long all day assault on black women who choose to wear their hair perm instead of in nappy dreads? And then you get an attitude and de-friend people that didn’t like it? The same way you didn’t like what Deb said to you about your fucked up posts. Aganju Kiss my ass, Now I hope that tells you all you need to know about how I feel. Nobody attacked your behind, they just put you in check and you didn’t like it. And know this……to attack someone you have to give a shit about them. NO BODY CARES ABOUT YOUR DICK CHASING STUPID ASS. Now I am not going to spend one more second on this sophomoric bullshit…. GO AWAY!!!!

When Kisha didn’t cosign on her attack of me and told her that her behavior was wrong and immature, she said the most cruel things imaginable to her – someone she knew had recently fought for her life. Axe lost all sense of decorum and her mind at the same time.

Aganju Axe: Why so much anger? Is your breast cancer back? Hopefully this time you die you evil crazy baldheaded false titty bitch! All you old evil bitter bitching heffas JUST WANT TO BE ME! Now go fuck yourself with a chainsaw. It’s the only a dick a rue paul looking old hoe like you will ever get. Now I’m putting your soon to be dead from breast cancer washed up old ass on BITCH’NORE. That’s when all future emails from your tacky slutty ass get automatically deleted. NOW DIE DIE DIE YOU Dumb crazy bitch!

Of course things went downhill from there.

Transcript of Voicemail Message:

“Hi Nicki,

This is Aganju.  Um I’m just calling because I would like to respectfully ask you tooo just (pause for dramatic effect)  please end all contact with me?  Um I removed you on Facebook and you will no longer see me on Gmail. So I know I sent you an email earlier but Um it’s not necessary to respond. I would just prefer if you and I um just end all contact. Um that would be what I prefer.  And Um I’m asking you this respectfully, Um… I just feel like we’re just ya’know… I know we exchanged numbers, and you talked about visiting and we were at one point, you.. called yourself a friend but I’m just respectfully asking you to please um..I didn’t want to send you an email, I just wanted to possibly talk to you and tell you, ya know over the phone to just end this communication that we have online and off from now on, from this day forward. So Um that is all I wanted to say to you. Please do not contact me further. Um I dunno how to make it any more clearer but that is what I would like. Thank you very much. Bye.”

Listen to the Actual Voicemail Message:

Aganju Axe Voicemail

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Music lover living on the East Coast that enjoys spending time with close friends, reading and writing.

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