Why Black Women Need to Boycott MAC Cosmetics

. 02/27/2016 . 1 Comment

BLACK WOMEN need to boycott MAC cosmetics. Why? Because rather than put a black woman up front and center as the face of MAC, they instead chose a white male in drag. Not a woman. Not the primary purchasers of their products. No, a man.jenner and mac cosmetics

Bruce Jenner.


So you all spending thousands of dollars a year on MAC cosmetics need to stop. You as a black woman are clearly NOT their target market and never were. Any time a company built on the wallets of REAL women turns their backs on them and insults us with this shit here, that corporation needs to feel the wrath.

Even last week a lone picture of a black woman’s LIPS brought the wrath of racists, and white folks lost their damn minds.

In spite of the fact that they applaud full lips when they appear on Kylie Jenner, Angelina Jolie, etc., when they see natural full lips on black skin, they went straight stupid. Posting up all kinds of racist nonsense on the MAC page. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/the-racist-row-on-macs-instagram-shows-that-were-only-happy-to-celebrate-black-features-on-white-a6887371.html

And all they showed was her lips.mac-and-black-lips

It’s time for black women to get in those corporate pockets. My suggestions: Return shit you bought from MAC. Get your money back because it made you itch. Get your money back because it broke you out. Get your money back because the smell makes you nauseous. Get your money back because you developed a lump on your lip.

Return whatever you bought to the store you bought it from immediately and get your money back.

Then NEVER, EVER buy a MAC cosmetic product ever again. Whoever at MAC thought this was a good idea is obviously stupid. They need to understand what time it is.

9 Votes


Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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