I’m the Man…Woman Listen to Me!

. 08/04/2011 . 13 Comments

I’ve often wondered why men feel so authoritative when it comes to women, especially in the area of dating/relating and mating.  Men are full of advice on telling women what they need to be doing, how they need to behave, how they should act, how they can be better and it is all based on ‘HIS’ opinion usually said in a way that suits him and requires the woman to put in the work and effort to change herself according to what pleases him.

Rarely do I hear men tell other men what they need to do to get and keep a woman happy and content.  Rarely do I hear men school other men on the things they do that drive women crazy and make them unhappy in their dealings with men. Rarely do I read men checking other men on their attitudes, behaviors and negative communication with women.

Yet whenever women get together to discuss the negative dating issues they suffer at the hands of men, men always invade women’s discussions with the ‘Not All Men’ are like that denial, and then deflect and blame the woman for ‘choosing the wrong man in the first place.

In a recent discussion, I asked a man why don’t they hand out advice to other men the way they are so quick to hand unasked for advice out to women?’  This man responded:

Because guys don’t listen to other guys anyway, they are hard headed, but guys will listen to women“.  He then gave an example of: ‘If a woman told a man she would go out with him if he did xyz, then that guy would listen and do what she said.’

I don’t know what is sadder this guy thinking this is a legitimate example of a guy  actually listening to a woman, or his excuses for being too cowardly to dole out advice to men.

I also asked the guy, “What makes men think women want to hear what they have to say when it comes to dating and relating”?  This guy had this to say:

Because we’re men and we have first hand knowledge that women do not. Our experience of being a man makes us primary resource (living as a man) for information compared to women who only have secondary resources (what they observe) Why would women NOT want a primary source of info compared to a secondary source?”

Isn’t it ironic that guys act entitled to be heard by women simply because they are men, but they give men’ excuses for not listening to other men give them advice.

Deborrah Cooper had this to say about it:

Men cannot presume to speak for all other men when it comes to dating and relationships, and no woman would good sense would listen to him.

Why? Because men are very quick to separate themselves from other men when it is convenient to do so. They are quick to tell you in what minute ways they are DIFFERENT “from all the rest of the niggas you’ve met” Let me give you some examples.

You say that men are shysty and always gaming on women about something. “Not me! I’m not like that! I’m a GOOD BLACK MAN!”

You say that men are always chasing some new booty and can’t commit to a relationship (as has been the experience of you, every woman you know, every woman you read about in books and magazines, see on television, etc.). “That’s not true. Not ALL men are like that!” he says with disgust.

You say men leave their children and don’t seem to care about them these days. Fatherless children suffer. “That’s not true. Not ALL men are like that!” he says with disgust.

So you see, since men are very quick to separate themselves from the thinking and behavior of other men, why is it that a woman should listen to them about much of anything? Though he says he is special and unique, she has no proof that he is not just like the others in many or even most ways. His cry of “NOT ALL MEN ARE LIKE THAT!” doesn’t correlate to HIM not being like that.

Men try to set themselves up as an authority on ALL men when it comes to women listening to them. The fact that they think because they are men they are right, they know it all, their opinions and thoughts should automatically be respected and unquestioned, and that women will learn something from them is interesting. I’ve never met a man yet that didn’t think his way of viewing the world was the sole way, the right way and the only way.

Yall really need to get over yourselves. Each of you can speak only for yourself, since “NOT ALL MEN ARE LIKE THAT!”


Men really need stop telling women what to do.  Women who have their ish together are way smarter than you and they can think light years ahead of you.  Use your time and energy and tell men what to do to be better men towards women and that would fix a lot of the dating issues with singles.  When men who ‘get it’ as a collective can bring themselves up and school men on how to be better mates to women, both men and women benefit.

As Deborrah Cooper said: “I think if men that “got it” taught other men when said men were young (before they think they know everything), the world would be a much better place for men AND women. Women would not have to waste time warning young women about men, because 90% of men would be about something, be men of honor, men of respectability and men of purpose. Who wouldn’t want their daughter with a guy like that.

I agree, instead of men always writing books and posting away in cyberspace advising ladies when it comes to dating/relating/mating, they need to STOP and advise men instead.  I only know of one guy really who is doing that on a large scale.  Yet there are hundreds of books/blogshows,youtube videos, forums out there with men advising women on how they can be better suited as mates for men.

When men focus on being better men to women, then women would have a better pool of men to choose from.  So you don’t have to be giving her advice on what to watch out for, because you would be schooling the trifling behavior out of these men.  Stop being cowards men, school your fellow man.

Until men get their ish together, they really have no room to tell women what they need to be doing in the dating/mating/relating arena. You have a full time job schooling the men… so Chop Chop and get to it.

We don't want to hear your advice Fool

3 Votes


Music lover living on the East Coast that enjoys spending time with close friends, reading and writing.

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