Men Are All The Same

. 10/26/2011 . 9 Comments


Earlier today I was engaged in an interesting group discussion. A couple of guys declared they were complex beings, unique and different from each other in many ways. At first I thought they were joking, then realized these fellas were actually deluding themselves into thinking that they were somehow magically and vastly different from all other men.

wonderingAmused, I decided to set the record straight.

Men were born simple, they live a simple life, and they die simple. It’s women that are complex, multidimensional creatures. Men are all the same.

Men are afraid to stray too far off the beaten path of what is acceptable behavior … what other guys in their socioeconomic or ethnic circle consider proper “be a man” behavior. That is why men are all the same.

Men are fearful creatures and need the acceptance of their male peers – they crave it. That is why men are so easily talked into behaving in a pack mentality. Young men that were raised well and that one would never think would behave in criminal or abusive way willingly go along with their friend(s) and abduct or gang rape women, break and enter, rob, beat down,  jack or kill people. That is another way that men are all the same.

Men can generally be found living desperately terror-filled existences where rejection by a woman shatters their ego, sometimes for decades. Teenaged boys rejected by the hot cheerleader in 11th grade never get over it, and still feel and talk about the angst well into their 60s.

A man’s sense of self is defined by his success or failure with women, and in that respect men are all the same.

A man that has a lot of women has high self esteem and confidence; those that fail with women lack both. Men do not feel like men if they don’t have a woman. Men don’t feel manly unless there is a woman next to them that makes him feel big, strong and confident – men are unable to produce these feelings on their own. Yet, there are millions of women washed in religious rhetoric that believe that men are stronger, more capable, and natural leaders. What a bunch of bullshit that is! If men were leaders, the world wouldn’t be in the shambles it is in right now.

Men need women more than women need men.

Men even put responsibility for their growth, development, achievements and change on women! Men don’t do crap by themselves, they need women to lead them to it and to motivate them to change. Think about it.. how many times have you heard men excuse their egregious behavior by saying “well if women stopped responding to it then men would change!” Like it’s fine that they behave stupidly, because once again, its about what women do for them, with them, to them. They are not motivated to change and improve on their own for betterment of self; Mommy/Wife has to make them. Yet, he insists that she “let him lead.” Huh?

Women have a lot of power.

Women give men a sense of purpose and a reason to live. Women motivate men to greatness. A desire for women’s approval makes men invent things to impress females. Everything men do is designed to get a woman’s attention (unless he is gay of course).

To acquire the favor of a woman men will clean up their caves, bathe, cut their hair, get an education and a job, smile, and try to make themselves be something presentable and pleasing. If a woman still doesn’t want him after he does all those things he gets angry and like a child throwing a tantrum, strikes out. If no woman wants him, it has to be because women only want thugs. It can’t possibly be that he just isn’t man enough to get or keep her attention.

My advice for women is this: If you want a particular man, be withholding and distant. Make him work to get you. Make him do better than even he ever thought he could. Make him prove himself to be worthy of your time and attention. Make him work to spend time with you, to take you out, to have his children, to marry him. Make him feel that he had to come with his “A” game for you to even look in his direction.

All men must at some point learn to stand strong, purposefully and alone without being propped up by other men, living in a group think world. Men must learn what the true qualifications are of leadership and manhood – one cannot blindly follow behind other men, roll with their “boys” and dress, walk, talk and act like they see on television or down the block.

After all, to lead the orchestra the conductor must turn his back to the crowd.

Women have an extraordinary amount of power with men that they are not using, as females en masse have been brainwashed to believe themselves less intelligent, less dynamic, less of everything than males.

This entire website is devoted to exposing the truth about the Ghetto Jedi Mind Tricks that have been perpetuated upon unsuspecting African American females by black men and society as a whole. Black women need to understand the internal power they have, and the power they have over men. Stop giving your power away to unworthy fools.

9 Votes


Veteran social researcher, relationship advice columnist, author and radio host. Author of hundreds of articles on American and black culture, gender issues, singles, dating and relationships. Author of "Sucka Free Love!" , "The 24 Types of Suckas to Avoid," "The Black Church - Where Women Pray and Men Pray," and "Why Vegan is the New Black" all available on Amazon.Com. Her unique voice and insightful commentary have delighted fans and riled haters for 20 years. Read her stuff on SurvivingDating.Com and AskHeartBeat.Com.

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